Доклады в 2009 году
24 December
"Jordanian deformation of XXX-spin chain
with non-periodic boundary condition"
Non-periodic boundary conditions consistent with
integrability properties of a modle are defined by
reflection K-matricies - solutions of the reflection
equations. These K-matricies are constructed for
jordanian deformation of the SL(2) invariant R-matrix.
Spectra of corresponding deformed XXX-model are discussed.
October 29
"Beyond 1/N expansion: statistical mechanics of multi-trace operators"
We discuss the renormalization of multi-trace operators
in N=4 SYM theory. We show that some interesting effects like phase
transitions arise beyond 1/N expansion. This phase transition may be
dual to the Hawking-Page phase transition in AdS black hole. Some
questions about quantum corrections to this effect are still open.
October 22
"One-dimensional simplicial Chern-Simons theory"
July 30
"On hypothesis of Alexei Zamolodchikov"
May 28
V. Tarasov
"On the Gaudin model and Cherednik algebras"
I discuss the Gaudin model on a tensor product of the vector representations of
the Lie algebra gl_N and the algebra of commuting integrals of motion acting
on the "zero" weight subspace. This algebra turns out to be isomorphic to the
center of the rational Cherednik algebra of type A. The isomorphism involves
a nice factorization construction.
2 апреля
П.П. Кулиш
"Симметрия квантовой группы интегрируемых спиновых систем
(Бирман - Вензл - Мураками алгебра)"
Integrable open spin chains related to the quantum
affine algebras U_q(o(3)) and U_q(A_2^(2)) are
considered. Hamiltonian (and other integrals) belongs
to the Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra (BMW). The
symmetry algebra U_(o(3)) and the BMW-algebra centralize
each other in the spin chain representation space.
Consequently the multiplet structure of the energy
spectra is obtained.
5 марта
"Renormalization of composite operators in (super) Yang-Mills theory, MHV-amplitudes
and integrability"
We are going to duscuss two topics:
1) the problem of renormalization of composite operators in Yang-Mills theory and
its connection XXX-spin chain model.
2) calculation of the MHV-amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory.
26 февраля
A.N. Kirillov (RIMS, Japan)
"Saga on Dunkle operators"