Publications, seminars etc.
My articles
- Ia. V. Blagouchine. “On a generalization of Watson's trigonometric sum (on Dowker's sum of order one half)”, INTEGERS,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, in press, pp. 1–32, 2024.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and E. Moreau.
“On a finite sum of cosecants appearing in various problems”,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Elsevier), vol. 539, no. 1, pt. 2, pp. 1–36, 2024.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine.
“Another Alternating Analogue of Euler's Constant”.
The American Mathematical Monthly (AMS), vol. 120, no. 1, pp. 24–34, 2022.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine.
“A complement to a recent paper on some infinite sums with the zeta values”, preprint, pp. 1–4, 2019.
- F. Johansson and Ia. V. Blagouchine.
“Computing Stieltjes constants using complex integration”, Mathematics of Computation (AMS),
vol. 88, no. 318, pp. 1829–1850, 2019.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine. “Three notes on Ser's and Hasse's representations for the zeta-functions”, INTEGERS,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, vol. 18A (special volume in Honor of
Jeffrey Shallit on the occasion of his 60th Birthday),
Article #A3, pp. 1–45, 2018.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and M.–A. Coppo.
“A note on some constants related to the zeta–function and their relationship with the Gregory coefficients”. The Ramanujan Journal (Springer),
DOI 10.1007/s11139-018-9991-0, 2018.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine.
“A note on some recent results for the Bernoulli numbers of the second kind”.
Journal of Integer Sequences, vol. 20, no. 3, Article 17.3.8, pp. 1–7, 2017.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine.
“Addendum to Rediscovery of Malmsten's integrals, their evaluation by contour integration methods and some related results”.
The Ramanujan Journal (Springer), vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 777–781, 2017.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine. “Expansions of generalized Euler's constants into the series of polynomials in π-2 and into the formal enveloping series with rational coefficients only”.
Journal of Number Theory (Elsevier), vol. 158 & 173, pp. 365–396 & 631–632, 2016.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine. “Two series expansions for the logarithm of the gamma function involving Stirling numbers and containing only rational coefficients for certain arguments related to π-1”.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Elsevier), vol. 442, no. 2, pp. 404–434, 2016.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine. “A theorem for the closed–form evaluation of the first generalized Stieltjes constant at rational arguments”.
Journal of Number Theory (Elsevier), vol. 148 & vol. 151, pp. 537–592 & 276–277, 2015.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine. “Rediscovery of Malmsten's integrals, their evaluation by contour integration methods and some related results”.
The Ramanujan Journal (Springer), vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 21–110, 2014.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and E. Moreau.
“Comments on 'Unbiased estimates for moments and cumulants in linear regression'”.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Elsevier), vol. 142, no. 4, pp. 1027–1030, 2012.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and E. Moreau.
“Analytic Method for the Computation of the Total Harmonic Distortion by the Cauchy Method of Residues”.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 2478–2491, 2011.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and E. Moreau.
“Unbiased Efficient Estimator of the Fourth–Order Cumulant for Random Zero–Mean non–i.i.d. Signal: Particular Case of MA Stochastic Process”.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 6450–6458, 2010.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and E. Moreau.
“Control of a Speech Robot via an Optimum Neural–Network–Based Internal Model with Constraints”.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 142–159, 2010.
- Ia. V. Blagouchine and E. Moreau.
“Unbiased Adaptive Estimations of the Fourth–Order Cumulant for Real Random Zero–Mean Signal”.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 3330–3346, 2009.
Some recent talks, seminars, workshops and conferences
- 12–15 May 2021:
I am
co–organazing a conference in St. Petersburg dedicated to the 80th birthday of Vladimir P. Orevkov, one of the famous representatives
of St. Petersburg school in Mathematical Logic, Russia.
- 6 June 2019: I gave a talk at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences) entitled: "On Gregory’s coefficients", St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 23–26 May 2019: I co–organazied a conference in St. Petersburg dedicated to the centennial of Nikolai A. Shanin, a founder of a group on the mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms in the Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 1 March 2018:
gave a talk at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences) entitled:
"The history of the functional equation of the ζ–function", St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 19–23 June 2017: I co–organazied and participated in a joint working seminar on the ζ–function and the Stieltjes constants γm with
Joseph Oesterlé and
Yuri Matiyasevich.
Five days of a very interesting mathematical exchange with two great Mathematicians at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 27 February–3 March 2017: I participated in the conference Random Matrices and Determinantal Process at CIRM, Marseille, France.
- 5 October 2016:
I participated in a seminar helded by Stanislav Smirnov
(Fields Medal, 2010) devoted to some applications of the mathematical physics to the petroleum engineering. Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.
My contributions to the OEIS
I authored the following OEIS sequences
A269330, A262235, A262856, A262858, A262382, A262383, A262384, A262385, A262386, A262387, A256127, A256128, A256129, A257837, A257964, A257972, A257812, A257898, A257960, A263192, A263193, A270857, A270859, A268893, A268979, A268980, A268981, A268911, A268895, A268464, A269063, A256190, A256191, A256192, A269545, A257955, A269557, A256165, A256166, A256167, A255888, A256609, A255306, A256610, A256612, A256611, A256066, A256614, A256615, A256616, A269546, A257957, A269558, A269547, A257958, A257959, A269559, A300690, A300707, A300709, A300710, A300713, A300714, A300727, A300731,...and also contributed to
A001620, A058303, A065434, A115252, A195189, A000629, A002206, A002207, A075266, A002657, A002790, A006953, A099769, A088538, A030169, A030171, A155968, A254327, A254331, A254345, A254347, A254348, A251866, A254349, A254350, A255188, A255189, A257963,...Reviewer of the Following Scientific Journals, Societies and Conferences
- Journal of Number Theory (Elsevier).
- Comptes–Rendus Mathematique (Elsevier).
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Elsevier).
- Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (Elsevier).
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
- American Mathematical Society (Mathematical Reviews).
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (IEEE TIT).
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IEEE TSP).
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA).
- IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics.
- IEEE Conference: Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
- IEEE Conference: BioRob.