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3.2 The Most Elementary Prohibitions on Real Topology of a
Flexible Curve
The simplest prohibitions
are not related to the position of
, but
deal with the following purely topological situation: a
, which is homeomorphic to a sphere with
) handles,
and an involution
) of
reversing orientation with
fixed point set
The most important of these prohibitions is Harnack's inequality.
Recall that it is
is the number of connected components of the real part
a curve and
is its degree. Certainly, this formulation given in
Section 1.3 can be better adapted to the context of flexible
curves. The number
is nothing but the genus.
Therefore the Harnack inequality follows from the following theorem.
For a
reversing orientation involution

of a sphere


handles, the number

of connected components of the fixed point

is at most

In turn, 3.2.A can be deduced from the following purely
topological theorem on involutions:
3.2.B Smith-Floyd Theorem.
For any involution

of a topological space

This theorem is one of the most famous results of the Smith theory. It
is deduced from the basic facts on equivariant homology of involution,
see, e. g., [Bre-72, Chapter 3].
Theorem 3.2.A follows from 3.2.B, since
Smith - Floyd Theorem can be applied to high-dimensional situation, too.
See Sections 5.3 and
. In the one-dimensional case,
which we deal with here,
Theorem 3.2.B is easy to
prove without any homology tool, like the Smith theory. Namely, consider
the orbit space
of the involution. It is a connected surface with
boundary. The boundary is the image of the fixed point set. The Euler
characteristic of the orbit space is equal to the half of the Euler
characteristic of
, i.e. it is
. Cap each boundary
circle with a disk. The result is a closed connected surface with Euler
. On the other hand, as it is well known,
the Euler characteristic of a connected closed surface is at most
2. (Remind that such a surface is homeomorphic either to the sphere,
which has
Euler characteristic 2, or the sphere with
handles, whose Euler
characteristic is
, or sphere with
Möbius strips having
Euler characteristic
.) Therefore
, and
These arguments contain more than just a proof of 2.3.A. In
particular, they imply that
In the case of an M-curve (i.e., if

) and only in this case, the orbit space is a sphere with
Similarly, in the case of an
-curve, the orbit space is homeomorphic
to the projective plane with holes.
is not connected), the
is said to be of type I, otherwise it is said to
be of type II. The types correspond to the types of real
algebraic curves (see Section 2.1).
Note that
at most into two
pieces. To prove this, we can use the same arguments as in a footnote
in Section 2.1: the closure of tne union of a connected
component of
with its image under
is open and close in
, but
The orbit space

is orientable if and only if


3.2.E (Cf.
If the curve is of type I
, then
This theorem follows from
3.2.C and the calculation of
the Euler characteristic of

made in the proof of the Harnack
inequality above. Namely,

, but for any orientable
connected surface with Euler characteristic


boundary components

. Therefore

. Since
![$ g=(m-1)(m-2)/2\equiv\left[\frac{m-1}2\right] \mod2$](img505.png)
we obtain
![$ 1-\left[\frac{m-1}2\right]+L\equiv0\mod2$](img506.png)
which is
equivalent to the desired congruence.
3.2.C, in the case of M-curve the orbit space

is homeomorphic to a sphere with holes. In particular, it is
orientable. By
3.2.D, this implies that


Now consider the simplest prohibition involving the placement
of the real part of the flexible curve in the projective plane.
The real part of a flexible curve is
one-sided if and only if the degree is odd.
The proof of
3.2.G coincides
basically with the proof of the same statement for algebraic curves.
One has to consider a real projective line transversal to the flexible
curve and calculate the intersection number of the complexification of
this line and the lfexible curve. On one hand, it is equal to the degree
of the flexible curve. On the other hand, the intersection points in

give rise to an even contribution to the intersection number.
Rokhlin's complex orientation formula also comes from topology. The
proof presented in Section 2.7 works for a flexible curve.
At this point I want to break a textbook style exposition.
Escaping a detailed exposition of prohibitions, I switch to a survey.
In the next two sections, the current state of prohibitions on
the topology of a flexible curve of a given degree is outlined.
(Recall that all formulations of this sort are automatically valid for
real projective algebraic plane curves of the same degree.)
After the survey a light outline of some proofs is proposed.
It is included just to convey a general impression, rather
than for more serious purposes. For
complete proofs, see the surveys [Wil-78], [Rok-78], [Arn-79],
[Kha-78], [Kha-86], [Vir-86] and the papers cited there.
Next: 3.3 A Survey of
Up: 3 The Topological Point
Previous: 3.1 Flexible Curves
Oleg Viro