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2.7 Rokhlin's Complex Orientation Formula

Now we shall consider a powerful restriction on a complex orientation of a curve of type I. It is powerful enough to imply restrictions even on real schemes of type I. The first version of this restriction was published in 1974, see [Rok-74]. There Rokhlin considered only the case of an algebraic M-curve of even degree. In [Mis-75] Mishachev considered the case of an algebraic M-curve of odd degree. For an arbitrary nonsingular algebraic curve of type I, it was formulated by Rokhlin [Rok-78] in 1978. The proofs from [Rok-74] and [Mis-75] work in this general case. The only reason to restrict the main formulations in these early papers to M-curves was the traditional viewpoint on the subject of the topology of real plane algebraic curves.

Here are Rokhlin's formulations from [Rok-78].

2.7.A Rokhlin Formula.   If the degree $ m$ is even and the curve is of type I, then

$\displaystyle 2(\Pi^+-\Pi^-)=l-\frac{m^2}4.$

2.7.B Rokhlin-Mishachev Formula.   If $ m$ is odd and the curve is of type I, then

$\displaystyle \Lambda^+-\Lambda^-+2(\Pi^+-\Pi^-)=l-\frac{m^2-1}4.$

Theorems 2.7.A and 2.7.B can be united into a single formulation. This requires, however, two preliminary definitions.

First, given an oriented topological curve $ C$ on $ \mathbb{R}P^2$, for any point $ x$ of its complement, there is the index $ i_C(x)$ of the point with respect to the curve. It is a nonnegative integer defined as follows. Draw a line $ L$ on $ \mathbb{R}P^2$ through $ x$ transversal to $ C$. Equip it with a normal vector field vanishing only at $ x$. For such a vector field, one may take the velocity field of a rotation of the line around $ x$. At each intersection point of $ L$ and $ C$ there are two directions transversal to $ L$: the direction of the vector belonging to the normal vector field and the direction defined by the local orientation of $ C$ at the point. Denote the number of intersection points where the directions are faced to the same side of $ L$ by $ i_+$ and the number of intersection points where the directions are faced to the opposite sides of $ L$ by $ i_-$. Then put $ i_C(x)=\vert i_+-i_-\vert/2$.5 It is easy to check that $ i_C(x)$ is well defined: it depends neither on the choice of $ L$, nor on the choice of the normal vector field. It does not change under reversing of the orientation of $ C$. Thus for any nonsingular curve $ A$ of type I on the complement $ \mathbb{R}P^2\smallsetminus \mathbb{R}A$, one has well defined function $ i_{\mathbb{R}A}$.

The second prerequisite notion is a sort of unusual integration: an integration with respect to the Euler characteristic, in which the Euler characteristic plays the role of a measure. It is well known that the Euler characteristic shares an important property of measures: it is additive in the sense that for any sets $ A$, $ B$ such that the Euler characteristics $ \chi A$, $ \chi B$, $ \chi(A\cap B)$ and $ \chi(A\cup B)$ are defined,

$\displaystyle \chi(A\cup B)=\chi(A) +\chi(B)-\chi(A\cap B).

However, the Euler characteristic is neither $ \sigma $-additive, nor positive. Thus the usual theory of integral cannot be applied to it. This can be done though if one restricts to a very narrow class of functions. Namely, to functions which are finite linear combinations of characteristic functions of sets belonging to some algebra of subsets of a topological space such that each element of the algebra has a well defined Euler characteristic. For a function $ f=\sum_{i=1}^{r}\lambda _i\hbox{\rm\rlap {1}\hskip.03in{{\rm I}}}_{S_i}$ set

$\displaystyle \int f(x) d\chi(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{r}\lambda _i\chi(S_i).

For details and applications of that notion, see [Vir-88].

Now we can unite 2.7.A and 2.7.B:

2.7.C Rokhlin Complex Orientation Formula.   If $ A$ is a nonsingular real plane projective curve of type I and degree $ m$ then

$\displaystyle \int (i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x))^2 d\chi(x)=\frac{m^2}4. $

Here I give a proof of 2.7.C, skipping the most complicated details. Take a curve $ A$ of degree $ m$ and type I. Let $ \mathbb{C}A_+$ be its half bounded by $ \mathbb{R}A$. It may be considered as a chain with integral coefficients. The boundary of this chain (which is $ \mathbb{R}A$ equipped with the complex orientation) bounds in $ \mathbb{R}P^2$ a chain $ c$ with rational coefficients, since $ H_1(\mathbb{R}P^2; \mathbb{Q})=0$. In fact, in the case of even degree the chain can be taken with integral coefficients, but in the case of odd degree the coefficients are necessarily half-integers. The explicit form of $ c$ may be given in terms of function $ i_{\mathbb{R}A}$: it is a linear combination of the fundamental cycles of the components of $ \mathbb{R}P^2\smallsetminus \mathbb{R}A$ with coefficients equal to the values of $ i_{\mathbb{R}A}$ on the components (taken with appropriate orientations).

Now take the cycle $ [\mathbb{C}A_+]-c$ and its image under $ conj$, and calculate their intersection number in two ways.

First, it is easy to see that the homology class $ \xi$ of $ [\mathbb{C}A_+]-c$ is equal to $ \frac12[\mathbb{C}A]=\frac m2[\mathbb{C}P^1]\in H_2(\mathbb{C}P^2; \mathbb{Q})$. Indeed, $ [\mathbb{C}A_+]-c-conj([\mathbb{C}A_+]-c)=[\mathbb{C}A]+c-conj(c)=[\mathbb{C}A]$, and therefore $ \xi-conj_*(\xi)=[\mathbb{C}A]=m[\mathbb{C}P^1]\in H_2(\mathbb{C}P^2)$. On the other hand, $ conj$ acts in $ H_2(\mathbb{C}P^2)$ as multiplication by $ -1$, and hence $ \xi-conj_*(\xi)=2\xi=m[\mathbb{C}P^1]$. Therefore $ \xi\circ conj_*(\xi)=-(\frac m2)^2$.

Second, one may calculate the same intersection number geometrically: moving the cycles into a general position and counting the local intersection numbers. I will perturb the cycle $ [\mathbb{C}A_+]-c$. First, choose a smooth tangent vector field $ V$ on $ \mathbb{R}P^2$ such that it has only nondegenerate singular points, the singular points are outside $ \mathbb{R}A$, and on $ \mathbb{R}A$ the field is tangent to $ \mathbb{R}A$ and directed according to the complex orientation of $ A$ which comes from $ \mathbb{C}A_+$. The latter means that at any point $ x\in\mathbb{R}A$ the vector $ \sqrt{-1}V(x)$ is directed inside $ \mathbb{C}A_+$ (the multiplication by $ \sqrt{-1}$ makes a real vector normal to the real plane and lieves any vector tangent to $ \mathbb{R}A$ tangent to $ \mathbb{C}A$). Now shift $ \mathbb{R}A$ inside $ \mathbb{C}A_+$ along $ \sqrt{-1}V$ and extend this shift to a shift of the whole chain $ c$ along $ \sqrt{-1}V$. Let $ c'$ denote the result of the shift of $ c$ and $ h$ denote the part of $ \mathbb{C}A_+$ which was not swept during the shift. The cycle $ [h]-c'$ represents the same homology class $ \xi$ as $ [\mathbb{C}A_+]-c$, and we can use it to calculate the intersection number $ \xi\circ conj_*(\xi)$. The cycles $ [h]-c'$ and $ conj([\mathbb{C}A_+]-c)$ intersect only at singular points of $ V$. At a singular point $ x$ they are smooth transversal two-dimensional submanifolds, each taken with multiplicity $ -i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x)$. The local intersection number at $ x$ is equal to $ (i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x))^2$ multiplied by the local intersection number of the submanifolds supporting the cycles. The latter is equal to the index of the vector field $ V$ at $ x$ multiplied by $ -1$.

I omit the proof of the latter statement. It is nothing but a straightforward checking that multiplication by $ \sqrt{-1}$ induces isomorphism between tangent and normal fibrations of $ \mathbb{R}A$ in $ \mathbb{C}A$ reversing orientation.

Now recall that the sum of indices of a vector field tangent to the boundary of a compact manifold is equal to the Euler characteristic of the manifold. Therefore the input of singular points lying in a connected component of $ \mathbb{R}P^2\smallsetminus \mathbb{R}A$ is equal to the Euler characteristic of the component multiplied by $ -(i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x))^2$ for any point $ x$ of the component. Summation over all connected components of $ \mathbb{R}P^2\smallsetminus \mathbb{R}A$ gives $ -\int(i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x))^2 d\chi(x)$. Its equality to the result of the first calculation is the statement of 2.7.C.$ \qedsymbol$

2.7.D Corollary 1. Arnold Congruence.   For a curve of an even degree $ m=2k$ and type I

$\displaystyle p-n\equiv k^2\mod4.

Proof. Observe that in the case of an even degree $ i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x)$ is even, iff $ x\in\mathbb{R}P^2_+$. Therefore

$\displaystyle (i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x))^2\equiv\begin{cases}0\mod4, \text{ if } x\in\mathbb{R}P^2_+\\
1\mod4, \text{ if } x\in\mathbb{R}P^2_-.\end{cases}$


$\displaystyle \int_{\mathbb{R}P^2}(i_{\mathbb{R}A}(x))^2 d\chi(x)\equiv\chi(\mathbb{R}P^2_+)\mod4.$

Recall that $ \chi(\mathbb{R}P^2_+ )=p-n$, see 1.11. Hence the left hand side of Rokhlin's formula is $ p-n$ modulo 4. The right hand side is $ k^2$. $ \qedsymbol$

Denote the number of all injective pairs of ovals for a curve under consideration by $ \Pi$.

2.7.E Corollary 2.   For any curve of an even degree $ m=2k$ and type I with $ l$ ovals

$\displaystyle \Pi\ge\frac12\vert l-k^2\vert. $

Proof. By 2.7.A $ \Pi^+-\Pi_-=\frac12(l-k^2)$. On the other hand, $ \Pi=\Pi_++\Pi_-\ge\vert\Pi_+-\Pi_-\vert$. $ \qedsymbol$

2.7.F Corollary 3.   For any curve of an odd degree $ m=2k+1$ and type I with $ l$ ovals

$\displaystyle \Pi+l\ge \frac12k(k+1).

Proof. Since $ l=\Lambda _++\Lambda _-$, the Rokhlin - Mishachev formula 2.7.B can be rewritten as follows:

$\displaystyle \Lambda _-+\Pi_-\Pi_+=\frac12k(k+1).

On the other hand, $ \Pi\ge\Pi_-\Pi_+$ and $ l\ge\Lambda _-$. $ \qedsymbol$

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Oleg Viro 2000-12-30