Here are Rokhlin's formulations from [Rok-78].
Theorems 2.7.A and 2.7.B can be united into a single formulation. This requires, however, two preliminary definitions.
First, given an oriented topological curve on
, for any point
of its complement, there is the index
of the point with
respect to the curve. It is a nonnegative integer defined as follows.
Draw a line
transversal to
. Equip it with
a normal vector field vanishing only at
. For such a vector field,
one may take the velocity field of a rotation of the line around
At each intersection point of
there are two directions
transversal to
: the direction of the vector belonging to the normal
vector field and the direction defined by the local orientation of
at the point. Denote the number of intersection points where the
directions are faced to the same side of
and the number of
intersection points where the directions are faced to the opposite
sides of
. Then put
.5 It is easy to check
is well defined: it depends neither on the choice of
, nor on the choice of the normal vector field. It does not change
under reversing of the orientation of
. Thus for any nonsingular
of type I on the complement
, one has well
defined function
The second prerequisite notion is a sort of unusual integration:
an integration with respect to the
Euler characteristic, in which the Euler
characteristic plays the role of a measure. It is well known that the
Euler characteristic shares an important property of measures: it is
additive in the sense that for any sets ,
such that the Euler
are defined,
Now we can unite 2.7.A and 2.7.B:
Here I give a proof of 2.7.C, skipping the most
complicated details. Take a curve of degree
and type I. Let
be its half bounded by
. It may be considered as a
chain with integral coefficients. The boundary of this chain (which is
equipped with the complex orientation) bounds in
a chain
with rational coefficients, since
. In fact, in
the case of even degree the chain can be taken with integral
coefficients, but in the case of odd degree the coefficients are
necessarily half-integers. The explicit form of
may be given in
terms of function
: it is a linear combination of the
fundamental cycles of the components of
coefficients equal to the values of
on the components (taken
with appropriate orientations).
Now take the cycle
and its image under
, and calculate
their intersection number in two ways.
First, it is easy to see
that the homology class of
is equal to
. Indeed,
, and therefore
On the other hand,
acts in
multiplication by
, and hence
Second, one may calculate the same intersection number geometrically:
moving the cycles into a general position and counting the local
intersection numbers. I will perturb the cycle
. First,
choose a smooth tangent vector field
such that it has
only nondegenerate singular points, the singular points are outside
, and on
the field is tangent to
and directed
according to the complex orientation of
which comes from
The latter means that at any point
the vector
is directed inside
(the multiplication by
makes a
vector normal to the real plane and lieves any vector tangent to
tangent to
). Now shift
and extend this shift to a shift of the whole chain
. Let
denote the result of the shift of
denote the part of
which was not swept during the shift. The
represents the same homology class
and we can use it to calculate the intersection number
. The cycles
intersect only at singular points of
. At a singular point
are smooth transversal two-dimensional submanifolds, each taken with
. The local intersection number at
equal to
multiplied by the local intersection number
of the submanifolds supporting the cycles. The latter is equal to the
index of the vector field
multiplied by
I omit the proof of the latter statement. It is nothing but a
straightforward checking that multiplication by induces
isomorphism between tangent and normal fibrations of
reversing orientation.
Now recall that the sum of indices of a vector field tangent to the
boundary of a compact manifold is equal to the Euler characteristic of
the manifold. Therefore the input of singular points lying in a
connected component of
is equal to the Euler
characteristic of the component multiplied by
for any
of the component. Summation over all connected components of
Its equality to the result of the first
calculation is the statement of 2.7.C.
Denote the number of all injective pairs of ovals for a curve under
consideration by .