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1.3 Bézout's Prohibitions and the Harnack
The most elementary prohibitions, it seems,
are the topological consequences of Bézout's theorem. In any case,
these were the first prohibitions to be discovered.
1.3.A Bézout's Theorem
(see, for example,
Wal-50], [


nonsingular curves of degree


. If the set

is finite, then this set contains at most

points. If, in addition,


are transversal to one
another, then the number of points in the intersection

is congruent to


1.3.B Corollary.
A nonsingular plane curve of degree

is one-sided if and only if

is odd. In particular, a curve of
odd degree is nonempty.
In fact, in order for a nonsingular plane curve to be two-sided, i.e., to be
homologous to zero
, it is necessary and sufficient that its
number with the projective line be zero
. By Bézout's theorem,
this is equivalent to the degree being even.
1.3.C Corollary.
The number of ovals in the union of two
nests of a nonsingular plane curve of degree

does not exceed

. In particular, a nest of a curve of degree

has depth at

, and if a curve of degree

has a nest of depth
![$ [m/2]$](img55.png)
, then it does not have any ovals not in the nest.
To prove Corollary 2 it suffices to apply Bézout's theorem to the curve and
to a line which passes through the insides of the smallest ovals in the
1.3.D Corollary.
There can be no more than

ovals in a set of ovals which is contained in a union of

nests of a nonsingular plane curve of degree

and which does not
contain an oval enveloping all of the other ovals of the set.
To prove Corollary 3 it suffices to apply Bézout's theorem to the curve and
to a conic which passes through the insides of the smallest ovals in the
One can give corollaries whose proofs use curves of higher degree
than lines and
conics (see Section 3.8). The most important of such results
is Harnack's inequality.
1.3.E Corollary. (Harnack Inequality
The number of components of a
nonsingular plane curve of degree

is at most

The derivation of Harnack Inequality from Bézout's theorem can be
found in [Har-76], and also [Gud-74]. However, it is possible to
prove Harnack Inequality without using Bézout's theorem; see, for
example, [Gud-74], [Wil-78] and Section 3.2 below.
Next: 1.4 Curves of Degree
Up: 1 Early Study of
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Oleg Viro