Note that a triple of skew lines is never isotopic to its mirror image, while a pair of lines is isotopic to its mirror image. In general, we say that a set of pairwise skew lines is amphicheiral if it is isotopic to its mirror image; otherwise we say it is nonamphicheiral. Thus, a triple is always nonamphicheiral, and a pair is amphicheiral. The following questions arise:
1) Are there other values of such that any interlacing of
lines is
2) Are there other values of such that any interlacing of
lines is
3) For what does there exist a nonamphicheiral interlacing of
4) For what does there exist an amphicheiral interlacing of
Although this does not take us very far in the direction of an answer to our
original question (of describing the set of interlacings of lines up to
isotopy), it is worthwhile to take up these four questions. They are rough and
somewhat superficial questions, but at the same time they have a more
qualitative character. Because of this roughness and superficiality we can be
confident of early success, and the result will undoubtedly be useful in our
We do not yet have at our disposal very many tools for proving that
a set is nonamphicheiral. But we do know that every triple is nonamphicheiral, and this is already a
lot. After all, any set of more than three lines contains triples. Each triple
changes its linking number in the course of a mirror reflection. Thus, if
the interlacing is amphicheiral, then it must have the same
number of
triples with linking number as with linking number
. In
particular, the total number of triples in the interlacing must be even. This
simple argument leads us to the following unexpected result.
Theorem 1. If
, then every
interlacing of
lines is nonamphicheiral.
Theorem 1 gives an affirmative answer to the first of the four questions above.
The second question has a negative answer: for any one can construct a
nonamphicheiral interlacing of
lines. This also answers question 3). The simplest
nonamphicheiral interlacings are shown in Figure 16 for
and 6. It is easy
to continue with this sequence of examples. All of the triples of lines in the
interlacings in this sequence have the same linking number, and for this
reason we know that the interlacings are nonamphicheiral.
It remains to answer Question 4). We do not yet know whether or not
there are
amphicheiral interlacings of lines when
. It is
convenient to consider separately the two cases:
even, and
, although in both cases the question turns out to have a
positive answer. In Figure 17 (in which
) we show the
simplest example of
an amphicheiral interlacing of
lines with
even. For any even
, we
take two sets of
lines, one behind the other. The lines of the set
nearest us are taken from the sequence of nonamphicheiral interlacings constructed
above (see Figure 16). The other set of
lines is obtained
from the first
by rotating and then reflecting in a mirror. How do we see that the interlacing
in Figure 17 is amphicheiral? We move the set that
is nearest us in
such a way that the part of its projection which contains all of the
intersections (in the projection) passes over and above the projection of the
other set (Figure 18). If we then rotate Figure 18 by
clockwise, we obtain the mirror image of the original interlacing.
We now turn to the case
, i.e.,
An amphicheiral
interlacing with
is shown in Figure 19. Four of the lines
form two pairs
which are situated as in the amphicheiral interlacing of four lines constructed
above. The fifth line is placed so as to separate the two lines in
each pair.
An isotopy between this interlacing and its mirror image can be constructed as
follows. We rotate the lines of the pair nearest us around the fifth line by
almost --until the lines of the other pair are in the way (Figure
We then move the fifth line so that its projection passes to the other side of the intersection (in the projection) of the lines that we moved before (Figure 21).
It remains simply to look at the resulting
interlacing from the
opposite side. We do this by rotating it by around a vertical line
(Figure 22). Now we see that we have the mirror image of the
original interlacing.
Using this example, it is easy to manufacture amphicheiral interlacings of
lines for
. Each line in Figure 19 except for the fifth
is replaced by
an interlacing of
lines which either is taken from the sequence in Figure
16 or else is the mirror reflection of an interlacing in that
sequence. This
must be done in such a way that the interlacings which replace the lines of one
of the pairs form an interlacing of the same type. There is no work needed to prove that the final result is an
interlacing, since the required isotopy can be obtained in the obvious way from
the one in the previous paragraph.