The inequality on the right in 1 is Harnack Inequality. The
inequality on the left is part of Corollary 1 of Bézout's theorem
(see Section 1.3.B). Thus, Harnack Theorem together with
theorems 1.3.B and 1.3.E actually give a complete
characterization of the set of topological types of nonsingular plane
curves of degree , i.e., they solve problem 1.1.A.
Curves with the maximum number of components (i.e., with
components, where
is the degree) are called M-curves. Curves of degree
which have
components are called
-curves. We begin
the proof of Theorem 1.6.A by establishing that the Harnack
Inequality 1.3.B is best possible.
Recall that we obtained a degree 5 M-curve by perturbing the union of two
conics and a line . This perturbation can be done using various curves. For
what follows it is essential that the auxiliary curve intersect
in five
points which are outside the two conics. For example, let the auxiliary curve
be a union of five lines which satisfies this condition (Figure
6). We let
denote this union, and we let
the M-curve of degree 5 that is obtained using
We now construct a sequence of auxiliary curves for
. We take
to be a union of
lines which intersect
distinct points lying, for
, in an arbitrary component of the set
and for odd
in the component of
We construct the M-curve of degree
using small perturbation of the
directed to
. Suppose that the M-curve
has already been constructed, and suppose that
transversally in the
points of the intersection
which lie in the same component of the curve
and in the same order as on
. It is not hard to see
that, for one of the two possible directions of a small perturbation of
directed to
, the line
and the component of
that it intersects give
components, while the other
components of
, of which, by assumption, there are
The proof that the left inequality in 1 is best possible, i.e.,
that there is
a curve with the minimum number of components, is much simpler. For example,
we can take the curve given by the equation
. Its set of
real points is obviously empty when
is even, and when
is odd the set of
real points is homeomorphic to
(we can get such a homeomorphism
, for example, by projection from the point
By choosing the auxiliary curves in different ways in the construction of
M-curves in the proof of Theorem 1.6.B, we can obtain curves
with any intermediate number of components. However, to complete the
proof of Theorem 1.6.A in this way would be rather tedious, even
though it would not require any new ideas. We shall instead turn to a
less explicit, but simpler and more conceptual method of proof, which
is based on objects and phenomena not encountered above.