By a real projective algebraic plane curve1 of degree
we mean a homogeneous real polynomial of degree
three variables, considered up to constant factors. If
is such a
polynomial, then the equation
defines the set
of real points of the curve in the real projective plane
. We
denote the set of real points of the curve
. Following
tradition, we shall also call this set a curve, avoiding this
terminology only in cases where confusion could result.
A point
is called a (real) singular point
of the curve
is a critical point of the
which defines the curve. The curve
is said to be (real) nonsingular if it has no real singular points. The set of real
points of a nonsingular real projective plane curve is a smooth closed
one-dimensional submanifold of the projective plane.
In the topology of nonsingular real projective algebraic plane curves, as in other similar areas, the first natural questions that arise are classification problems.
It is well known that the components of a closed one-dimensional manifold are
homeomorphic to a circle, and the topological type of the manifold is
determined by the number of components; thus, the first problem reduces to
asking about the number of components of a curve of degree . The answer to
this question, which was found by Harnack [Har-76] in 1876, is
described in Sections 1.6 and 1.8 below.
The second problem has a more naive formulation as the question of how a
nonsingular curve of degree can be situated in
. Here we are
really talking about the isotopy classification, since any homeomorphism
is isotopic to the identity map. At present the second
problem has been solved only for
. The solution is completely
elementary when
: it was known in the last century, and we shall give
the result in this section. But before proceeding to an exposition of these
earliest achievements in the study of the topology of real algebraic curves, we
shall recall the isotopy classification of closed one-dimensional submanifolds
of the projective plane.