We return to the definition of an interlacing of lines. We used this term to denote a finite set of pairwise skew lines in three-dimensional space. That is, among all possible sets of lines, we look at sets in general position which form an everywhere dense open subset of the space of all sets of lines.
The same can be done with other types of configurations. For example, we can
consider finite sets of points in three-dimensional space. We say that such a
set is nonsingular if for there is no set of
points lying
in a
-dimensional subspace (i.e., a four-tuple does not lie in a plane,
a triple does not lie on a line, and all points are distinct). By an isotopy of
such a set we mean a motion in the course of which these conditions are not
violated. We say that a nonsingular set of points is amphicheiral if it is isotopic to its mirror image.
We shall not treat the problem of classifying nonsingular sets of points, but rather turn our attention to the amphicheiral problem.
Theorem. A nonsingular set of points in
three-dimensional space is
nonamphicheiral if
It is natural to ask questions about amphicheirality for nonsingular sets of points which are analogous to the four questions discussed above in connection with amphicheiral interlacings of lines. We do not know complete answers to those questions.
In the same spirit one can consider a mixed situation: configurations of both lines and points. There are various ways of defining a nonsingular configuration of this type, but the most natural definition is to require that the lines in the configuration be pairwise skew, the points not lie on the lines, and no two points lie in a common plane with one of the lines. Even less is known about the classification and amphicheirality of mixed configurations.
When investigating problems related to geometrical objects in
Euclidean space,
it is often useful to extend the space to a projective space. Projective space
has even been called the ``great simplifier''. Passing to a projective space
normally enables us to find a simpler projective classification problem inside
our original classification problem, and this projective problem is usually
interesting in its own right. The case of interlacings of lines is, however, an
exception to this rule. When one goes from
to the projective space
, an interlacing of lines corresponds to a set of disjoint
projective lines, and in this way one obtains all possible configurations of
disjoint lines in
in which no line is contained in the plane at
infinity. Isotopy of interlacings is equivalent to the existence of an isotopy
between the corresponding configurations of lines in
in the course
of which the lines remain disjoint.
1Here one need not concern oneself with the plane at infinity. Thus, the problem
of classifying interlacings up to isotopy is actually equivalent to the
corresponding problem for configurations of lines in projective space.
2We do not get a simpler problem. But in the case of the problem of classifying
nonsingular sets of points in three-dimensional space, passing from
leads to a splitting up of the problem; however, we shall not
discuss this here.
Instead we consider the following counter-part of the question on
existing of amphicheiral interlacings of a given number of lines:
For which pairs of non-negative numbers ,
there exist an
amphicheiral nonsingular configuration of
lines and
points in
? We proved above the following partial results:
Podkorytov Theorem. (See [10].) An amphicheiral
nonsingular set
of points and
lines in three-dimensional real projective space
exists if and only if either
Even in the case of interlacings of lines, passing to
is not
completely pointless. In
we can see more clearly the topological
reasons why interlacings are nonisotopic. As we showed at the very beginning
of the article, any interlacing can be deformed into a set of parallel lines,
and so there exists a homeomorphisms of
under which any interlacing
is taken to any other given interlacing with the same number of lines. In
this is no longer the case. The linking number introduced
above for oriented skew lines can be interpreted in terms of the usual linking
number in algebraic topology, applied to the corresponding lines in
(except that we must double the topological invariant, which takes the
, since for us the values
are more convenient). Moreover,
in all cases we know of, the nonisotopy of two interlacings of lines is proved
using topological invariants of the corresponding sets of projective lines in
, although there probably exist nonisotopic interlacings of lines
for which the corresponding sets of projective lines can be taken to one
another by means of a homeomorphism of the ambient space.
Perhaps we should show greater caution and make our definitions in accordance
with the accepted topological terminology, i.e., call interlacings of lines
isotopic if the corresponding sets of projective lines can be taken into one
another by a homeomorphism of
which is isotopic to the identity
(recall that an isotopy of the homeomorphism
is a family of
, such that the map
is continuous). Then what we
earlier called isotopies would be called rigid isotopies. Our cavalier
attitude about this is permissible only because at the present level of
knowledge we do not have examples of interlacings which show that these two
types of isotopies actually lead to different equivalence relations. In some
related situations, however, we do know such examples. We now discuss one such