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1.8 End of the Proof of Theorem 1.6.A
In Section 1.6 it was shown that for any
exist nonsingular curves of degree
with the minimum number
or with the maximum number
components. Nonsingular curves which are isotopic to one another form
an open set in the space
of real projective plane curves of
(see Section 1.7). Hence, there exists a real pencil
of curves of degree
which connects a curve with minimum number of
components to a curve with maximum number of components and which
intersects the set of real
singular curves only in its principal part and only transversally. As we move
along this pencil from the curve with minimum number of components to the curve
with maximum number of components, the curve only undergoes Morse
modifications, each of which changes the number of components by at most 1.
Consequently, this pencil includes nonsingular curves with an arbitrary
intermediate number of components.
Next: 1.9 Isotopy Types of
Up: 1 Early Study of
Previous: 1.7 Digression: the Space
Oleg Viro