Ways of ABSTRACT submission
We expect to receive camera-ready abstract, limited,
if possible, by one A4 page of 10pt font size submitted at the website.
PDF and Word documents are accepted. However, LaTeX submissions are preferable
and mandatory for abstracts with significant amount of formulas and/or
figures. Basically, one person is expected to give one presentation and
possibly to co-authorize another one. Normally, if one presentation is
oral, then the other is poster. Participation in more than two talks is
an extraordinary event, and this requires a special decision by the Organizing
Committee. The authors of multiple contributions are encouraged to advise
the Organizing Committee one of the above categories for each of their
submissions. Please send your abstract to diffraction09@gmail.com
stating the subject "abstract"
Please check the Important deadlines in order to be on time with your abstract submission
Booklet of abstracts of all papers accepted for presentation will be available at the Conference.
Ways of PAPER submission
Full manuscripts are invited in the Fall 2009 for the peer selection to be included into the Proceedings (rules for preparing of manuscripts can be found below). Please check the Important deadlines in order to be on time with your abstract submission
Rules for authors
Papers should be in LaTeX or AMS-LaTeX format. MS WORD documents cannot be accepted. Starting 2006 DD Proceedings are also available via IEEE Xplore. Thus the requirements on size and formatting of papers are as follows.
1. The size of a paper is expected to be limited by 6 two-column A4-pages in 10pt font size.
2. Please make sure that your master-source TeX-file is well-compiled with documentclass procDD08.cls You may also download the sample file sample.zip; sectioning and referencing rules can be found there.
3. Figures, if any, should be in encapsulated postscript format (*.eps). Please use \includegraphics command for inserting figures.
4. Please pay attention to the quality of English. For non-native English speakers we recommend to seek for an expert's assistance. Thank you!