M. Sh. Birman. Some applications of extension theory of
positive definite operators,
PhD thesis, Leningrad State Univ., Leningrad, 1953.
Russian: ( pdf| djvu)
M. Sh. Birman. Spectra of singular boundary value problems, D.Sc.
thesis, Leningrad State pedagodical institute, Leningrad, 1962.
Russian: ( pdf| djvu)
M. Sh. Birman. A proof of the Fredholm trace formula as an application of a simple
embedding for kernels of integral operators of trace class in  ) ,
Dept. of Maths, Likoping Univ. report LITH-MAT-R-89-30, 1989.
English: ( pdf| djvu)
M. Sh. Birman, M. Z. Solomyak. Lectures on double operator integrals,
a mini-course given by the authors at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, 2002.
English: ( pdf| djvu)