Oleg B. Prosorov


I'm a Leading Specialist at the Laboratory of Algebra and Number Theory
of the St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute (PDMI)
    Address: 27, Fontanka, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia
    Phone: +7 (812) 312‑40‑58
    Fax: +7 (812) 310‑53‑77
    E-mail: prosorov@pdmi.ras.ru

Scientific degree

PhD in language sciences received from the University Paris X Nanterre, 2008.

Research interests

Algebra, category theory, topology, applications of mathematics in linguistics, philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, syntax, semantics, hermeneutics.
I'm one of the organizers of PhML‑2009, PhML‑2012, PhML‑2014 – International conferences focusing on philosophy, mathematics and linguistics in interaction.
Also, I'm one of the organizers of The Dialogue of Philosophy and Mathematics in the Contemporary Culture, a Round Table held in the frame of the International Scientific and Cultural Forum "Days of Philosophy in St. Petersburg - 2014".

Publications, conference and workshop talks

Some of my publications, talks and preprints are available online.

Curriculum vitae

Several useful links