- From December 2008 to the present
- Leading Specialist at the Laboratory of Algebra and Number Theory
of the St. Petersburg Departement of V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Office address:
- St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
of Russian Academy of Sciences
27, Fontanka, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 312‑40‑58
Fax: +7 (812) 310‑53‑77
- 1997, Diplôme d'études et de recherche (D.E.R.)
- Philosophy, French College of St. Petersburg State University,
Thesis: Critique de la raison herméneutique. Esquisse d'une
herméneutique formelle (in French).
Advisor: Professor Heinz Wismann
- 1983, Diploma with distinction
- Mathematics, Leningrad State University, Russia
Stabilisation of Homology of Special Linear Group over Infinite
Field (in Russian).
Advisor: Professor Andrei A. Suslin
Scientific degree
- 2008, Docteur en Sciences du langage
- University Paris 10 Nanterre, France
Thesis: Topologies et faisceaux en sémantique des textes.
Pour une herméneutique formelle (in French)
Supervisor: Professor Yves-Marie Visetti
Research interests
- Algebra, category theory, topology,
- Applications of mathematics in linguistics,
- Philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, syntax, semantics, hermeneutics.
- Topologies and Sheaves Appeared as Syntax and Semantics of Natural Language,
IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications. Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Grigori Mints.
Guest Editors: Dov Gabbay and Oleg Prosorov,
Volume 4, Number 4, May 2017, pp. 1357–1410, London, UK.
College Publications. ISBN 978‑1‑84890‑240‑4, ISSN (E) 2055‑3714,
ISSN (P) 2055‑3706.
- Preface, In O. Prosorov (Ed.), Proceedings of the International
Conference “Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction, 2012” (PhML-2012).
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, May 22–25, 2012,
Vol. 70 of Studies in Logic, pp. vii–x, London, UK, 2017.
College Publications. ISBN 978‑1‑84890‑256‑5.
- Topologies and Sheaves Appeared as Syntax and Semantics of Natural Language,
In O. Prosorov (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference
“Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction, 2012” (PhML-2012).
Euler International Mathematical Institute St. Petersburg, May 22–25, 2012,
Vol. 70 of Studies in Logic, pp. 183–243, London, UK, 2017.
College Publications. ISBN 978‑1‑84890‑256‑5.
- Quotation Analysis as Based on Sheaf-Theoretic Formal Semantics I.
PDMI Preprint – 15/2014, pp. 1–18,
St. Petersburg, December 24, 2014,
St. Petersburg Department of V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics RAS.
- Un regard philosophique sur la réalité virtuelle,.
Мысль (Журнал Санкт-Петербургского философского общества. Выпуск 17)
/ Ред. кол. Д. Н. Разеев (Гл. ред.) и др. —
СПб.: Изд‑во Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета,
стр. 104–110, 2014. ISSN 1029‑8037.
- Linguistic Universals of Topological Nature,
In G. Mints, O. Prosorov (Eds.), Proceedings of International Interdisciplinary Conference
“Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014” (PhML-2014).
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, April 21–25, 2014,
pp. 55–68, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014. Publisher VVM.
ISBN 978‑5‑9651‑0829‑9.
- Announcement of International Conference “Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics:
Aspects of Interaction 2014, (21–25 April 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia)”.
In N. Artemenko et al (Eds.), HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology, Vol. 2 (2),
pp. 225–228, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 2013. ISSN 2226‑5260.
- Обзор международной конференции «Философия, математика, лингвистика: аспекты взаимодействия 2012, (22–25 мая 2012, Санкт-Петербург Россия)», HORIZON. Феноменологические
исследования, Том 2 (1), стр. 170–175 / Ред. кол. Н. Артёменко
(Гл. ред.) и др. — СПб.: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета,
2013. ISSN 2226‑5260.
- Quotation Analysis in Sheaf–Theoretic Formal Semantics, In Program & Abstracts of the
International Workshop “Quotation: Perspectives from Philosophy and Linguistics”,
Ruhr–University Bochum, September 27–29 , 2012, pp. 28–29,
Bochum, Germany.
- Topologies and Sheaves appeared as Syntax and Semantics of Natural language,
In O. Prosorov (Ed.), Proceedings of International Interdisciplinary Conference
“Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2012” (PhML-2012).
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, May 22–25, 2012.
pp. 146–163, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012. Publisher VVM.
ISBN 978‑5‑9651‑0642‑4.
- A Sheaf–Theoretic Framework for Dynamic Semantics, In A. Butler (Ed.), Proceedings of the
8th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 8),
pp. 52–67, ISBN 978‑4‑915905‑45‑2 C3004(JSAI), held as a workshop of the
Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) International Symposia on Artificial Intelligence
(JSAI-isAI 2011), December 1–3, 2011, Sunport Hall Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan.
- Формальная герменевтика как семантика текстов.
Сб. ст. «Философия в диалоге культур».
/ Ред. кол. Ю. Н. Солонин (предс.) и др. – СПб.: Изд‑во
Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, стр. 351–359, 2010.
ISBN 978‑5‑288‑05112‑8.
- Topologies and Sheaves in Linguistics, a short communication given on August 27, 2010 at
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2010), Hyderabad, India,
August 19–27, 2010, In Rajendra Bhatia (Ed.); Arup Pal, G. Rangarajan,
V. Srinivas, M. Vanninathan (Co-Eds.); Pablo Gastesi (Tech-Ed.),
Abstracts of Short Communications and Posters, pp. 623–624, Hindustan Book Agency, 2010.
- Formal hermeneutics as semantics of texts, In O. Prosorov (Ed.),
Proceedings of International Interdisciplinary Conference
“Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2009” (PhML-2009).
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, November 19–22, 2009,
pp. 152–163, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009. Publisher VVM.
ISBN 978‑5‑9651‑0386‑7.
- Topologies et faisceaux en sémantique des textes. Pour une herméneutique formelle,
Thèse de doctorat en sciences du langage, Université Paris 10. École doctorale Connaissance,
langage et modélisation (Nanterre), Paris, France, soutenue le 17 décembre 2008.
Publié dans la source d'information Internet thesis.fr
gérée par l'Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur
(ABES) (in French).
- Sheaf–Theoretic Approach to Context Modeling, In Ch. Henning (Ed.),
Doctorial Consortium of Sixth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context,
August 20, 2007, pp. 72–85, Roskilde, Denmark, 2007. Roskilde University.
- Semantic Topologies as Linguistic Universals, In T. Stolz (Ed.), Proceedings of 39th annual
meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europae (SLE). Relativism and Universalism in Linguistcsi,
organized by the Department of Linguistics and the Institute of General and Applied Linguistics (IAAS)
at the University of Bremen, August 30–September 2, 2006, pp. 109–110,
Bremen, Germany.
- Contextuality as Defined via Topological Structure. In Abstracts of the SKY Symposium
“Structure and Context”, organized by the Linguistic Association of Finland,
August 21–22, 2006, p. 33, Turku, Finland, 2006. Åbo Akademi University.
- Sheaf–Theoretic Formal Semantics, TRAMES, A Journal
of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, No 1, 2006, pp. 57–80,
published by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Tartu University, ISSN 1406‑0922.
- Compositionality and contextuality as adjoint principles,
In M. Werning, E. Machery, and G. Schurz (Eds.), The compositionality of meaning and content,
Vol. II : Applications to Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience, pp. 149–175,
Frankfurt: Ontos–Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3‑937202‑53‑6.
- Formal hermeneutics based on Frege duality,
In E. Maier, C. Bary, and J. Huitink (Eds.), Proceedings of SuB9.
(A collection of papers presented at the 9th “Sinn und Bedeutung”, the 9th annual meeting
of the Gesellschaft für Semantik) November 1–3, 2004, Radboud University Nijmegen,
The Netherlands, pp. 286–298, Published by the Nijmegen Centre of Semantics (NCS),
April 11, 2005, ISBN 90‑9019356‑1.
- Compositionnalité et contextualité, deux principes de Frege en adjonction,
PDMI Preprint – 8/2004, pp. 1–49, Saint-Pétersbourg, le 7 juin 2004,
l'Institut Mathématique Steklov de l'Académie des Sciences de la Russie.
- Compositionality and Contextuality as Adjoint Principles. In M. Werning, E. Machery, and
G. Schurz, (Eds.), Programme & Abstracts of Interdisciplinary Conference in Cognitive Science
“Compositionality, Concepts & Cognition”. Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf,
February 28–March 3, 2004, p. 44, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2004.
Heinrich-Heine University.
- Formal hermeneutics and Frege Duality,
PDMI Preprint – 5/2003, March 12, 2003, pp. 1–24.
- Herméneutique formelle et principe de Frege généralisé, dans la colonne Dits et inédits en texto !
Textes & Cultures – Revue
électronique sous la direction de François Rastier. Publiée par l'Institut Ferdinand de Saussure. Programme Sémantique
des textes. ISSN 1773‑0120, pp. 1–54, 2002.
- Herméneutique de soi, Échos du Collège :
Dialogue franco-russe #4, pp. 60–70, décembre, 2002.
- Herméneutique formelle et principe de Frege généralisé,
PDMI Preprint – 4/2002, pp. 1–55, le 31 janvier, 2002.
- Esquisse d'une herméneutique formelle, Échos du Collège :
Dialogue franco-russe, #2, pp. 9–29, février, 2001.
Conference participation
- A contributed talk at the French-Russian Seminar 2014: Quality and quantity methods
in historial and social epistemology. Problems and perspectives, organized by the Institute of Philosophy
of the St. Petersburg State University, June 24, 2014, St. Petersburg.
- A plenary talk at the International Interdisciplinary Conference
Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014,
organized by the Euler International Mathematical Institute, April 21–25, 2014,
St. Petersburg, Russia.
- A plenary talk at the International Interdisciplinary Conference
Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2012, organized by the
Euler International Mathematical Institute, May 22–25, 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- A short communication (15 min.) at The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2010),
Hyderabad, India, August 19–27, 2010.
- A plenary talk at the International Interdisciplinary Conference
Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2009, organized by the
Euler International Mathematical Institute, November 19–22, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- A contributed talk at the International Conference: Construction of Identity and Process of Identificatio
organized by the University François Rabelais, November 29–30, 2007, Tours, France.
- A contributed talk at the Doctorial Consortium of Sixth International and
Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, organised by the Roskilde University,
20 August 2007, Roskilde, Denmark.
- A contributed talk at the 39th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE),
Relativism and Universalism in Linguistcs, organized by the Department of Linguistics and
the Institute of General and Applied Linguistics (IAAS)
at the University of Bremen, 30 August 2006–02 September 2006, Bremen, Germany.
The participation was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
grant № 06-06-85600-з.
- A contributed talk at the symposium Structure and Context,
organized by the Linguistic Association of Finland, August 21–22, 2006,
Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland.
- A contributed talk given at “The fourth Rencontres de Sémantique et
Pragmatique (RSP4)” organised by the « Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences
Humaines » of the University of Orleans, June 13–15, 2006, Orleans, France.
- A contributed talk at the 9th “Sinn und Bedeutung”,
the 9th annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik,
November, 1–3 2004, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
The participation was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
grant № 04-06-85581-з.
- A contributed talk at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Cognitive Science
Compositionality, Concepts, and Cognition, February 28–March 3, 2004,
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.
Workshop participation
- A contributed talk at the International Workshop “Quotation: Perspectives from Philosophy
and Linguistics”, Ruhr–University Bochum, September 27–29 , 2012,
Bochum, Germany.
- A contributed talk at the 8th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language
Semantics (LENLS 8), held as a workshop of the JSAI International Symposia on Artificial
Intelligence (JSAI-isAI 2011), 1–3 December 2011, Sunport Hall Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan.
The participation was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
grant № 11-06-08082-з.
- A contributed talk at the SPR-05, Third International Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Rhetoric,
organized by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) of the University of the Basque Country
(UPV-EHU), November 10–12, 2005, Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain.
The participation was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
grant № 05-06-85610-з.
- Editor, Studies in Logic, Volume 70, 2017.
College Publications, London, UK, ISBN 978‑1‑84890‑256‑5.
- Guest Editor, IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications,
Volume 4, Number 4, May 2017, Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Grigori Mints.
College Publications, London, UK, ISBN 978‑1‑84890‑240‑4,
ISSN (E) 2055‑3714, ISSN (P) 2055‑3706.
- Editor, Proceedings of PhML-2014,
СПб.: Изд‑во ВВМ, 2014,
ISBN 978‑5‑9651‑0829‑9.
- Editor, Proceedings of PhML-2012,
СПб.: Изд‑во ВВМ, 2012,
ISBN 978‑5‑9651‑0642‑4.
- Editor, Материалы Международной научной конференции PhML-2009,
СПб.: Изд‑во ВВМ, 2009,
ISBN 978‑5‑9651‑0386‑7.
Scientific societies membership
- Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)
- Gesellschaft für Semantik (GfS)
- Society for Exact Philosophy (SEP)
- St. Petersburg Philosophical Society
Languages skill
- Russian, French, English.
