Using a rotation around a line which is perpendicular to both lines in one of
the pairs, we can make the angle between the lines the same in both pairs; in
fact, we can make both angles . We note that the smallest line
segment joining the two lines in a pair is the segment of the common
perpendicular which is contained between them. We next bring the two lines
closer together (or move them farther apart) along this perpendicular, so that
the segments have the same length for the two pairs; after that we move one
pair so that the segment between the two lines coincides with the segment for
the other pair.
We use a rotation around this segment to make one of the lines of the first
pair coincide with a line of the second pair (this can be done because all of
the lines are perpendicular to the segment). In the process the second lines of
the pairs also come together. In fact, they both pass through a common
point--an endpoint of the perpendicular segment--and are perpendicular to the
same plane--the plane determined by the perpendicular and the first lines of
the pairs (which now coincide). The proof is complete.
At the end of the proof, after we made the distances between the two lines the
same for the two pairs, we moved a pair of lines in a rigid manner--without
changing either the distance or the angle between them. The question arises:
Suppose that both the distances and angles between the two lines are the same
for two pairs of skew lines. Is it always possible to find an isotopy between
the two pairs during which the distance and angle remain fixed? The previous
argument shows that this question has an affirmative answer if the angle is
. However, if the angle is not
, then it may happen that
after the isotopy in the previous paragraph the second lines in the pairs do
not coincide. This unlucky
case is illustrated in Figure 1. The second lines in
the pairs form an angle whose bisector is parallel to the first (skew) lines,
and the plane containing the second lines is perpendicular to the plane
containing the bisector and the first lines. Thus, there was a good reason why
we wanted to make the angles
in the beginning of the above proof:
for any other choice of the angle, the construction would not give the desired
result. But this was not simply an artifact of our particular construction; it
turns out that any two pairs of skew lines with equal distance and angle which
do not coincide after the above construction cannot be made to coincide using
any isotopy during which the distance and angle remain fixed. This is connected
with a remarkable phenomenon, which we shall encounter often in the sequel. It
merits a more detailed discussion.