Nonsingular surfaces of degree 2 (nonsingular quadrics) are of three types. It follows from the well-known classification of real nondegenerate quadratic forms in 4 variables up to linear transformation. Indeed, by this classification any such a form can be turned to one of the following:
The first of the types consists of quadrics with empty set of real points. In traditional analytic geometry these quadrics are called imaginary ellipsoids. A canonical representative of this class is defined by equation .
The second type consists of quadrics with the set of real points homeomorphic to sphere. In the notations of the previous section this is . The canonical equation is .
The third type consists of quadrics with the set of real points homeomorphic to torus. They are known as one-sheeted hyperboloids. The set of real points is not contractible (it contains a line), so in the notations above it should be presented as . The canonical equation is .
Quadrics of the last two types (i. e., quadrics with nonempty real part) can be obtained by small perturbations of a union of two real planes. To obtain a quadric with real part homeomorphic to sphere, one may perturb the union of two real planes in the following way. Let the plane be defined by equations and . Then the union is defined by equation . Perturb this equation adding a small positive definite quadratic form. Say, take
To obtain a noncontractible nonsingular quadric (one-sheeted hyperboloid), one can perturb the same equation , but by a small form which takes both positive and negative values on the intersection line of the planes. See Figure 34.
Nonsingular surfaces of degree 3 (nonsingular cubics) are of five types. Here is the complete list of there topological types:
Let us prove, first, that only topological types from this list can be realized. Since the degree is odd, a nonsingular surface has to be one-sided. By 5.3.D if it is not connected, then it is homeomorphic to . By the Generalized Harnack Inequality 5.3.G, the total Betti number of the real part is at most . On the other hand, the first Betti number of a projective plane with handles is and the total Betti number is . Therefore in the case of a nonsingular cubic with connected real part, it is of the type with .
All the five topological types are realized by small perturbations of unions of a nonsingular quadric and a plane transversal to one another. This is similar to the perturbations considered above, in the case of spatial quadrics. See Figures 35 and 36.
An alternative way to construct nonsingular surfaces of degree 3 of all the topological types is provided by a connection between nonsingular spatial cubics and plane nonsingular quartics. More precisely, there is a correspondence assigning a plane nonsingular quartic with a selected real double tangent line to a nonsingular spatial cubic with a selected real point on it. It goes as follows. Consider the projection of the cubic from a point selected on it to a plane. The projection is similar to the well-known stereographic projection of a sphere to plane.