A point of tangency of two oriented curves is said to be positive if the orientations of the curves define the same orientation of the common tangent line at the point, and negative otherwise.
The following theorem is a special case of the main theorem of Fiedler's paper [Fie-82].
I give here a proof, which is less general than Fiedler's original one. I hope though that it is more visualizable.
Roughly speaking, the main idea of this proof is that, looking at a curve, it is useful to move slightly the viewpoint. When one looks at the intersection of the complexification of a real curve with complexification of real lines of some pencil, besides the real part of the curve only some arcs are observable. These arcs connect ovals of the curve, but they do not allow to realize behavior of the complexification around. However, when the veiwpoint (= the center of the pencil) is moving, the arcs are moving too sweeping ribbons in the complexification. The ribbons bear orientation inherited from the complexification and thereby they allow to trace relation between the induced orientation of the ovals connected by the arcs. See Figure 26
Choose a point
Since, obviously,
is tangent to the boundary of the angle
from outside at
the new points
of tangency are obtained
from the old ones by moves, one of which is in the direction of the
orientation of
, the other - in the opposite direction (see
Figure 26). Since
, it
follows that no line of the family
belongs to the
and thus
The next thing to do is to obtain prohibitions on complex schemes using Fiedler's theorem. It takes some efforts because we want to deduce topological results from a geometric theorem. In the theorem it is crucial how the curve is positioned with respect to lines, while in any theorem on topology of a real algebraic curve, the hypothesis can imply some particular position with respect to lines only implicitely.
Let be a nonsingular curve of type I and
. Let
be a segment of the pencil of lines passing
, which contains neither a line tangent to
at a point
of inflection of
nor a line, whose complexifications is tangent
at an imaginary point. Denote
Fix a complex orientations of and orientations of the
, which turn to one another under the natural
isotopy. Orient the part
of the projective plane in such a way
that this orientation induces on
, as on a part of its
boundary, the orientation selected above. An oval of
, lying in
is said to be positive with respect to
if its complex
orientation and orientation of
induce the same orientation of its
interior; otherwise the oval is said to be negative with
respect to
A point of tangency of and a line from
is a nondegenerate
critical point of the function
which assigns
the real number
such that
. By index of the point of tangency we shall call the Morse index
of this function at that point (zero, if it is minimum, one, if it is
maximum). A pair of points of tangency of
with lines from
is said to be switching, if the points of the pair has distinct
indices and one of the points is positive while the other one is
negative; otherwise the pair is said to be inessential. See
Figure 27.
If is a nonsingular conic with
then the tangency points make a switching pair. The same is true for
any convex oval. When an oval is deforming and loses its convexity, new
points of tangency may appear. If the deformation is generic, the
points of tangency appear and disappear pairwise. Each time appearing
pair is an inessential pair of points with distinct indices. Any oval
can be deformed (topologically) into a convex one. Tracing the births
and deaths of points of tangency it is not difficult to prove the
following lemma.
Denote the closure of
. Fix one of the
decomposions into pairs of the set of points of tangency of lines from
with each component of
existing by 4.2.B. By
a chain of points of tangency call a sequence of points
of tangency, in which any two consecutive points either belong to one
of selected pairs or lie in the same component of
. A
sequence consisting of ovals, on which the selected switching pairs of
points of tangency from the chain lie, is called a chain of
ovals. Thus the set of ovals of
lying in
appeared to be
decomposed to chains of ovals.
The next theorem follows obviously from 4.2.A.
The next theorem follows in an obvious way from 4.2.C. Contrary to the previous one, it deals with the signs of ovals with respect to the one-sided component in the case of odd degree and outer ovals in the case of even degree.