There are two different approaches to proving congruences. The first is
due basically to Arnold [Arn-71] and Rokhlin [Rok-72]. It is based on
consideration of the intersection form of two-fold covering of
branched over the complex point set of the curve. The complex
conjugation involution
is lifted to
in two
different ways, and the liftings induce involutions in
, which
are isometries of the intersection form. One has to take an appropriate
eigenspace of one of the liftings and consider the restriction of
the intersection form to the eigenspace. The signature of this
restriction can be calculated in terms of
. On the other hand, it
is involved into some congruences of purely arithmetic nature relating
it with the discriminant of the form and the value of the form on some
of characteristic vectors. The latters can be calculated sometimes in
terms of degree and the difference between the number of ovals and the
genus of curve. Realizations of this scheme can be found in
[Arn-71] for 3.4.J, [Rok-72] for 3.3.C,
[Kha-73] and [GK-73] for 3.3.D,
[Nik-83] for 3.3.F, 3.3.G, 3.4.I and a
weakened form of 3.3.E. In survey [Wil-78] this method was
used for proving 3.3.C, 3.3.D and 3.4.J.
The second approach is due to Marin [Mar-80]. It is based on
application of the Rokhlin-Guillou-Marin congruence modulo 16
on characteristic surface in a 4-manifold, see [GM-77].
It is applied either to the surface in the quotient space
(diffeomorphic to
) made of the image of the flexible curve
and a half of
bounded by
(as it is the case for proofs of
3.3.C, 3.3.D and 3.4.E in [Mar-80]), or to the
surface in
made of a half of
and a half of
(as it is
the case for proofs of 3.3.E, 3.4.I and special cases of
3.3.F and 3.3.G in [Fie-83]).
The first approach was applied also in high-dimensional situations. The second approach worked better than the second one for curves on surfaces distinct from projective plane, see [Mik-94]. Both were used for singular curves [KV-88].
Inequalities 3.3.H, 3.3.I, 3.3.J, 3.3.K,
3.4.J and 3.4.K are proved along the same scheme,
originated by Arnold [Arn-71]. One constructs an auxiliary
manifold, which is the two-fold covering of
branched over
the case of 3.3.H, 3.3.I, 3.3.J and 3.3.K
and the two-fold covering of
branched over the union of
and a half of
in the case of 3.4.J and
3.4.K. Then preimages of some of the components of
gives rise to cycles in this manifold. Those cycles define
homology classes with special properties formulated in terms of their
behavior with respect to the intersection form and the complex
conjugation involutions. On the other hand, the numbers of homology
classes with these properties are estimated. See [Arn-71],
[Gud-74], [Wil-78] and [Rok-80].