References beginning with F
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Vassiliev theory for knots,
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B. Sanderson,
James bundles and applications,
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T. Fiedler,
New invariants in knot theory,
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T. Fiedler,
Global knot theory in
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Gauss diagram invariants for knots which are not closed braids,
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T. Fiedler,
Gauss Diagram Invariants for Knots and Links, Kluwer
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T. Fiedler,
One parameter knot theory.
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T. Fiedler and A. Stoimenow,
New knot and link invariants,
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J. M. Figueroa-O'Farrill, T. Kimura and
A. Vaintrob,
The universal Vassiliev invariant for the Lie superalgebra
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J. Fine,
Vassiliev theory and regional change,
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V.V.Fock, N.A.Nekrasov, A.A.Rosly, and K.G.Selivanov (1992)
What we think about the higher-dimensional Chern-Simons theories, in
Sakharov Memorial Lectures in Physics. V.1. Commack, NY:
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 465-471.
L. Freidel,
From sl(2) Kirby weight systems to the asymptotic 3-manifold
Penn State University preprint, February 1998. See also
L. Freidel and K. Krasnov,
Spin Foam Models and the Classical Action Principle,
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D. Fuchs and S. Tabachnikov,
Invariants of Legendrian and transverse knots in the standard
contact space,
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L. Funar,
Vassiliev invariants I: braid groups and rational homotopy
Revue Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 42 (1997) 245-272,
L. Funar,
On knots having the same Vassiliev invariants up to a certain
Université de Grenoble I preprint, July 1999.