References beginning with E
M. Eisermann,
Knotengruppen-Darstellungen und Invarianten von endlichem Typ
(Knot group representations and invariants of finite type),
Ph.D. thesis, University of Bonn, January 2000.
M. Eisermann,
Les invariants rationnels de type fini ne distinguent pas les
uds dans
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Série I 332
(2001) 51-55.
M. Eisermann,
The number of knot group representations is not a Vassiliev
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (2000)
M. Eisermann,
A geometric characterization of Vassiliev invariants,
ENS Lyon preprint, March 2001.
M. Eisermann,
Vassiliev invariants do not distinguish knots in a Whitehead
ENS Lyon preprint, April 2001.
M. Eisermann,
Vassiliev invariants and the Poincaré Conjecture,
ENS Lyon preprint, April 2001. Published version:
Topology 43 (2004), 1211-1229 (MR 2080001).
T. Ekholm,
Invariants of generic immersions,
Pac. Jour. of Math., to appear,
T. Ekholm,
Geometry of self intersection surfaces and Vassiliev
invariants of generic immersions
Leningrad Math. Jour., to appear.
T. Ekholm,
Regular homotopy and Vassiliev invariants of generic
Jour. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, to appear.
B. Enriquez and F. Gavarini,
A formula for the logarithm of the KZ associator,
IRMA Strasbourg and Università Degli Studi di Roma preprint, April
2004, arXiv:math.QA/0404262.