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        St.Petersburg, Russia                         May 29 - June 1, 2000

         Organized by           Sponsored by         Organizing Committee          Publications         History         St.Petersburg

ORGANIZED BY                                                                                   JOINTLY WITH
Faculty of Physics, St.Petersburg Univ.                                                                          Univ. of Florence 

St.Petersburg Branch of SteklovMathematical Inst.                  Univ. of Michigan 

Euler International Mathematical Inst., St.Petersburg

TECHNICALLY CO-SPONSORED BY                                             CO-SPONSORED BY

  IEEE                                                                                 Russian Foundation for Basis Researches 
               Antennas and Propagation Society

STEERING COMMITTEE                                        LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

V.M. Babich,Steklov Math. Inst., St. Petersburg                                                                                         I.V.Andronov(publications),
V.S. Buldyrev, St. Petersburg Univ., St. Petersburg                                                                                  V.E.Grikurov (secretary)
G. Pelosi, Univ. of Florence, Florence, Italy                                                                                                  A.P.Kiselev,M.A.Lyalinov,
J.L. Volakis,Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA                                                                                        E.V.Novikova (visa support)


Booklet of abstracts of all papers accepted for presentation will be available at the seminar.

Full manuscripts will be invited for the peer selection to be included into either the
or the special issue of
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Transactions.


The Seminars "Day on Diffraction" are annually held in late May or early June by the St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg Branch of Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Euler International Mathematical Institute.

The Seminars "Day on Diffraction" have been held since late 1960-s. Originally these seminars summed up the results of the famous Leningrad Diffraction Theory School headed by V.A.Fock and V.I.Smirnov. The works of V.I.Smirnov and S.L.Sobolev on functionally-invariant solutions of wave equation in the beginning of 30-s, the method of partial separation of variables suggested by V.I.Smirnov in 1937, widely known works of V.A.Fock on diffraction of radio-waves around the surface of the Earth of 40-s laid the cornerstone of Leningrad - St.Petersburg school. The main body of the diffraction school in 60s - 70s was constituted by the students of G.I.Petrashen' who proceed with and developed the subjects of diffraction after the World War II.

The idea of organizing annual seminars on diffraction theory and wave propagation has arisen in 1968, and the first seminar was held in June 1968. The next day after the Seminar its participants, which were young in those times, went to Komarovo on the bank of the Gulf of Finland, played volleyball, football on the beach, drank tea. All the sessions since have always ended with friendly picnic parties with a camp fire and traditional Russian games. Year by year the Soviet scientists from other cities began to participate and the "Day on Diffraction" became an All Union Seminar. Since 1986 the Seminar occupied two days: the first was organized in Leningrad, the second was at the faculty of Physics in Peterhoff. Nevertheless the name ``Day on Diffraction'' preserved.  Within the last decade the Seminar became international: the sessions occupy 3-4 days and the number of participants is about 60.

The Day on Diffraction Millennium Workshop will be opened on 29 of May 2000 in St.Petersburg. We are as always pleased to see active researchers in the field of Diffraction Theory
from all over the world.

St.Petersburg, Russia

St.Petersburg one of the most beautiful cities of Europe founded by Peter the Great about 300 years ago. It is specially nice this time of year (called "white nights") when day light continues from 3 a.m. to 12 p.m. The DD logo symbolizes open bridges with ship traffic at the night - world famous St.Petersburg landscape! There are many other ways for interesting excursions, including visiting of small satellite towns Peterhoff (not far from the University campus), Pushkin, Pavlovsk and Gatchina with wonderful gardens and palaces of 18th-19th century.

St.Petersburg is also world known as a great cultural center with reach Museums and Exhibition Halls  and famous Theaters (opera, ballet) and philharmonic hall.  The electronic newspaper "The St.Petersburg Times" gives many helpful tips about St.Petersburg.

ACCOMMODATION: a lot of hotels in downtown, from cheap ($15) to luxurious ones ($100 and more).

WEATHER: about 20C, mostly sunshine.

Please find here  map of St.Petersburg or metro scheme of St.Petersburg.

For any questions please be free to contact: Ivan Andronov or Valery Grikurov
fax +7-812-428-7240

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Dept. of Math. & Math. Phys., St.Petersburg Univ.
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