This Program may be subjected to changes!

Monday, May 29          St.Petersburg Branch of Steclov's Math. Inst. (27 Fontanka Quay)
Tuesday, May 30          St.Petersburg Branch of Steclov's Math. Inst. (27 Fontanka Quay)
Wednesday, May 31    St.Petersburg Branch of Steclov's Math. Inst. (27 Fontanka Quay)
Thursday, June 1         Inst. on Physics of St.Petersburg Univ. (Petrodvoretz campus)

Monday, May 29

         9:30 -  10:45 am            REGISTRATION / COFFEE                                                           Main Hall
       10:45 -  11:00 am            WELCOME                                                                                  Main Hall
     Sessions    11:00 - 12:30 am
    NEW DIRECTIONS IN ASYMPTOTIC TECHNIQUES    G.Manara (Italy)           Main Hall
      11:00 - 11:30                       J.L.Volakis, M.A.Moneum, O.Graham                                         Main Hall
                                                 Hybrid Moment Method - High Frequency Methods
                                                for Large Scale Radome Analysis
      11:30 - 12:00                        N.Engheta
                                                 Applications of Fractional Operators in Physical Optics Approximation
                                                 for Scattering from Impedance Boundaries
      12:00 - 12:30                        F.Molinet, S.Tort.
                                                 Asymptotic solutions of some problems in diffraction theory
                                                 involving overlapping transition regions
  PLATES, SHELLS AND VIBRATION      P.E.Tovstik (Russia)                         Hall 204
      11:00 - 11:30                       J.D.Kaplunov, M.V.Wilde
                                                 Free Localized Vibrations of a  Semi-Infinite Shell of Revolution
      11:30 - 12:00                        J.D.Kaplunov, E.V.Nolde, G.A.Rogerson
                                                 Low-Frequency Motions of a Pre-Stressed  Incompressible Plate
      12:00 - 12:30                        N.Anofrikova, L.Kossovich
                                                 Asymptotic Integration of 3D Equations of Viscoelasticity  in the Case
                                                 of the Boundary Layer in the Vicinity  of the Dilatation Wave Front
    CANONICAL DIFFRACTION PROBLEMS   G.Pelosi (Italy)                                 Hall 311
      11:00 - 11:30                        Th.M.Acho,  D.O.Makinde
                                                 Modern Shape Approximation Technique for Complicated Convex Bodies -
                                                 Case Study of Bispherical and Hyperboloidal Coordinates.
      11:30 - 12:00                        N.V.Voshchinnikov, V.G.Farafonov, M.S.Prokop'eva,T.V.Zinov'eva
                                                  Light Scattering by Dielectric and Absorbing  Spheroids:
                                                 Comparison of Exact and Approximate Methods
      12:00 - 12:30                        M.V.Vesnik
                                                 The Analytical Solution for the Electromagnetic Diffraction
                                                 on 2-D Perfectly Conducting Scatterers of an Arbitrary Shape
      12:30 -   2:00 pm              LUNCH
  Sessions      2:00 -   3:30 pm
    NEW DIRECTIONS IN ASYMPTOTIC TECHNIQUES    G.Manara (Italy)         Main Hall
       2:00 - 2:30                            P.H.Pathak, Hsi-Tseng Chou
                                                  Novel Gaussian Beam Method
                                                  for Rapid Analysis/Synthesis of Large Satellite Antenna Reflector Systems
       2:30 - 3:00                            R.Tiberio, A.Toccafondi, S.Maci
                                                  High-frequency methods for incremental scattering and diffraction
      3:00 - 3:30                            M. V. Perel,  I. V.Fialkovsky,  A.P.Kiselev
                                                 Resonance Interaction of Bending and Shear Modes
                                                  in a Non-Uniform Timoshenko Beam
  NON-STATIONARY PHENOMENA             V.V.Borisov (Russia)                Hall 204
       2:00 - 2:30                            V. V.Borisov
                                                  Some Sub- and Super-Luminal Solutions
                                                  of the  Wave and Maxwell's Equations
       2:30 - 3:00                            I.I.Simonenko
                                                 On Transient Electromagnetic Waves Produced
                                                  by the Pulsed Radial Current Moving with the Velocity of Light
       3:00 - 3:30                             A.S.Blagovestchenskii, A.Novitskaya
                                                  On the Solutions of the Wave Equation Localized at Infinity
  SHRODINGER EQUATION AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS                                    Hall 311
    S.Yu.Slavyanov  (Russia)
     2:00 - 2:30                            A. Melezhik, S.Slavyanov
                                                 About Heun Polynomials
     2:30 - 3:00                             E.A.Tropp, L.A.Bakaleinikov
                                                  Addition theorem for Gegenbauer functions
     3:00 - 3:30                             A.Seeger
                                                Scattering on the Potential $\cos\varphi/r$
     3:30 - 4:00 pm                   COFFEE BREAK                                                                      Main Hall
  Sessions      4:00 -   5:30 pm
  DIFFRACTION ON NON-SMOOTH OBSTACLES     A.H.Serbest (Turkey)     Main Hall
     4:00 -  4:30                          P.Nepa, G.Manara, A.Armogida
                                               Application of the Maliuzhinets Method to Evaluate the
                                               Scattering from Semi-Infinite Dense Strip Gratings
     4:30 -  5:00                          G.Manara, P.Nepa, G.Pelosi, A.Vallecchi
                                                EM Scattering from Edges in Anisotropic Impedance Surfaces
                                                Illuminated at Oblique Incidence
     5:00 -  5:30                           N.Ya.Kirpichnikova, V.B.Philippov, A.S.Kirpichnikova
                                              Diffraction of electromagnetic waves on the impedance interface
                                                between two media with different perturbations of the impedance
  INVERSE PROBLEMS M.I.Belishev (Russia)                                         Hall 204
     4:00 - 4:30                            A.V.Avdeev
                                                 Numerical Algorithms of Solving the Inverse Problems
                                                of Electromagneto-Elasticity
     4:30 - 5:00                             A.P.Krauklis, A.V.Malik, V.N.Troyan
                                               Direct and Inverse Problems  of the Ray Tomography
                                                on the Creeping Waves
     5:00 - 5:30                            A.V.Popov, V.A.Vinogradov
                                               Focused Gaussian Beams in the Problem of Holographic Imaging
  RESERVED                                                                                                        Hall 301

Tuesday, May 30
   Sessions    9:30 - 11:00 am
  DIFFRACTION ON NON-SMOOTH OBSTACLES    A.H.Serbest (Turkey)       Main Hall
      9:30 - 10:00                             R.D.Graglia, G.Lisi, G.Pelosi, S.Selleri
                                                    High-Frequency Scattering by a Diaphanous Wedge
                                                    Illuminated by a Line Current Parallel to its Edge
    10:00 - 10:30                             C.Gennarelli, G.Pelosi, G.Riccio, G.Toso
                                                    Diffraction by an Anisotropic Dielectric Sheet:  UAPO Solution
    10:30 - 11:00                             S.G.Vashtalov
                                                    Diffraction of an Oblique Incident Plane Wave  by a Wedge
                                                    with an Artificially Soft and Hard Faces
  PLATES, SHELLS AND VIBRATION           P.E.Tovstik (Russia)                   Hall 204
     9:30 - 10:00                             P.E.Tovstik
                                                   The Turning Points and Caustics in Linear Problems
                                                   of Free Shell Vibrations
    10:00 - 10:30                            I.V.Andronov
                                                   Diffraction of Hydroacoustic Wave by a Short Joint
                                                  of Two Semi-Infinite Elastic Plates
    10:30 - 11:00                            G.V.Filippenko, D.P.Kouzov
                                                 On the Vibration of Membrane Partially Protruding
                                                  above the Surface of a Liquid
  WAVES IN ELASTIC MEDIA                   A.P.Kiselev (Russia)                        Hall 311
      9:30 - 10:00                           K.Watanabe
                                                  An Exact Green Function for  a Transient SH-wave
                                                  in an Inhomogeneous Elastic Solid
    10:00 - 10:30                           K.Watanabe
                                                  Three types of a Ring Source  in a Cylindrically Anisotropic Elastic Solid
  10:30 - 11:00                             A.P.Kiselev, A.A.Klimova
                                                  Exitation of a Plane Shear Wave  by a Non-Uniform  Normal Preasure
                                                  Applied to the Surface  of an Elastic Half Space
    11:00 -  11:30 am                    COFFEE BREAK                                                                    Main Hall
   Sessions    11:30 - 13:00 am
  DIFFRACTION ON NON-SMOOTH OBSTACLES    A.H.Serbest (Turkey)       Main Hall
    11:30 - 12:00                           J.M.L.Bernard, M.A.Lyalinov
                                                  Spectral Domain Solution and Asymptotics
                                                  for the Diffraction by an Impedance Cone
    12:00 - 12:30                           M.A.Lyalinov,  A.H.Serbest
                                                  Plane Wave Diffraction by Two Parallel Thin Chiral Half-Planes
    12:30 - 13:00                           A.V.Popov, N.Y.Zhu
                                                  Plane EM Wave Diffraction by a PEC Half-Plane Placed
                                                  between a Dielectric Half-Space and Vacuum:
                                                  Parabolic Equation Method
  FLUID DYNAMICS                S.Yu.Dobrokhotov (Russia)                            Hall 204
     11:30 - 12:00                           I.V.Sturova
                                                   Diffraction of Shallow-Water Waves on a Floating Elastic Platform
     12:00 - 12:30                           O.V.Motygin, P.McIver
                                                  A Uniqueness Criterion for Linear Problems  of Wave-Body Interaction
     12:30 - 13:00                           A.V.Klimenko
                                                   Integral Equation Method in the Neumann-Kelvin Problem
                                                   for a Body Intersecting Interface in a Two-Layer Fluid
  WAVES IN ELASTIC MEDIA            A.P.Kiselev (Russia)                          Hall 311
     11:30 - 12:00                           P.V.Krauklis, L.A.Krauklis
                                                   Unexpected Wave in a Cylindrical Rod Placed in the Elastic Medium
     12:00 - 12:30                            L.A. Molotkov
                                                    About a Case of Front Contact of Different Waves
     12:30 - 13:00                            S.V.Goldin, A.A.Duchkov
                                                   Dynamics of the Seismic Wave  in the Vicinity of Generic Caustics
       1:00 -   2:30 pm              LUNCH
  Sessions      2:30 -   4:00 pm
                         V.M.Babich (Russia)                                                          Main Hall
       2:30 - 3:00                             S.Yu.Dobrokhotov
                                                   Quasimode Associated to Small Dimensional Tori:
                                                   from Closed Geodesics to Weak Chaos
       3:00 - 3:30                             L.Fishman
                                                   Phase Space and Path Integral Methods
                                                   in Classical Elliptic Wave Propagation  Modeling
       3:30 - 4:00                            M.A.Poteryakhin
                                                  Spectral Series of Three-Dimensional Anharmonic Oscillator
  PLATES, SHELLS AND VIBRATION           P.E.Tovstik (Russia)               Hall 204
      2:30 - 3:00                             S.P.Kuntsevich, G.I.Mikhasev
                                                   Influence of Viscosity on Local Parametric Vibrations
                                                   of Thin Conic Shells under Pulsing Pressure
      3:00 - 3:30                              V.D.Luk'yanov, G.L.Nikitin
                                                 On Radiation of Acoustic Waves
                                                  Through a Thin Shell in Wedge Shaped Domain
      3:30 - 4:00                             N.N.Rogacheva
                                                 Vibrations of Arbitrary Laminated Piezoelectric Plates
  NONLINEAR PHENOMENA                A.Samsonov (Russia)                        Hall 311
     2:30 - 3:00                             A.V.Porubov
                                                 Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Modulational Equations
     3:00 - 3:30                             V.V.Gursky, A.M.Samsonov
                                                  Exact Solutions to Coupled Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equations
                                                  in Modelling Physical and Biological Phenomena
     3:30 - 4:00                              E.Gutshabash
                                                  Darboux Transformation and Exact Solutions
                                                  in the Model of Magnet Ishimori
     4:00 -  4:30 pm                 COFFEE BREAK                                                                       Main Hall
  Sessions      4:30 -   6:00 pm
      MATHEMATICAL ASPECTS OF WAVE PROPAGATION                           Main Hall
                V.M.Babich (Russia)
      4:30 - 5:00                           V.D.Baranov, V.V.Belov, A.Yu.Trifonov
                                                 Localized Packets for Wave Equations with Unitary Nonlinearity
      5:00 - 5:30                           A.V.Badanin, B.S.Pavlov, A.A.Pokrovski
                                                 Acousto-Optic Scattering  in a Single-Mode Optic Fiber
      5:30 - 6:00                            A.P.Veselov
                                                 Huygens' Principle and Quantum Integrability
         V.S.Buldyrev (Russia)
     4:30 - 5:00                           A.Sihvola
                                                Dielectric, Magnetic, and more Complicated Responses of Small Particles:
                                               Analysis of the Variety of Ways to Generalize the Maxwell Garnett Model
     5:00 - 5:30                            S.A.Tretyakov, A.J.Viitanen, S.I.Maslovski
                                               Impedance Boundary Conditions for Periodical  Arrays of Small Particles
     5:30 - 6:00                            V.V.Fisanov, D.A.Marakasov
                                                Singular Waves in a Faraday Chiral Medium
    CANONICAL DIFFRACTION PROBLEMS       V.P.Smyshlyaev(U.K.)           Hall 311
     4:30 - 5:00                          A.M.Radin, A.B.Plachenov, V.N.Kudashov
                                             The Theory of Ring-Type Optical Resonators with a Complicated
                                              Astigmatism  at Presence of Losses and Amplification of a Field
     5:00 - 5:30                          A.A.Loskutov, V.G.Farafonov
                                             The Field of a Vertical Dipole in Presence of a Perfectly Conducting Body
                                              with the Axial Symmetry
     5:30 - 6:00                          V.A.Polyansky,  S.E.Shaltaev
                                              Study of the Inversely Scattered E/M Wave
                                              from a Cloud of Radioactive Particles (\alpha-Radiation) in the Air.

Wednesday, May 31
      Sessions    9:30 - 11:00 am
       9:30 - 10:00                   A.V.Shanin
                                           Diffraction on a Slit: Some Properties of Schwarzschild's Series
     10:00 - 10:30                   R.Stacey
                                           Asymptotic Modeling of Echo Generation from a Liquid-Solid Interface
     10:30 - 11:00                    L.Ju.Fradkin, V.Zalipaev
                                            Scattering of a Plane Compressional Wave
                                            by an Elliptic Crack in the High-Frequency Approximation
  INVERSE PROBLEMS           M.I.Belishev (Russia)                                 Hall 204
        9:30 - 10:00                  W.-T.Chen, C.-C.Chiu
                                            Electromagnetic Imaging for an Imperfectly  Conducting Cylinder
                                           by the Genetic Algorithm
      10:00 - 10:30                   D.V.Kirianov, E.N.Kirianova
                                          On the Regularization in the Atmosphere Tomography
      10:30 - 11:00                   D.V.Kirianov, E.N.Kirianova
                                       Tomography Calculator 1.0" - Software for Tomography Simulations
    CANONICAL DIFFRACTION PROBLEMS     V.P.Smyshlyaev(U.K)              Hall 311
       9:30 - 10:00                      A.S.Starkov
                                              Wave conversion in critical cross section of a  inhomogeneous waveguide
     10:00 - 10:30                       Yu.A.Tuchkin, N.P.Yashina, J.Chandezon
                                               Eigen Transverse Modes of Arbitrary Shaped Waveguide
     10:30 - 11:00                       A.L.Delitsyn
                                              The Spectral Problems of the Theory of Electromagnetic Waveguides
     11:00 -  11:30 am                  COFFEE BREAK                                                                         Main Hall
    Sessions    11:30 - 13:00 am
    NEW DIRECTIONS IN ASYMPTOTIC TECHNIQUES       R.Tiberio (Italy)        Main Hall
      11:30 - 12:00                     F.Bertoncini, R.G.Kouyoumjian, G.Manara, P.Nepa
                                              High-frequency scattering by objects buried in lossy media
      12:00 - 12:30                     R.A.Egorchenkov, Yu.A.Kravtsov, V.E.Volovelskii
                                             Numerical Complex Ray Tracing for Solution  of Diffraction Problems
      12:30 - 13:00                     R.Aleksiejunas, V.Ivavska
                                            Geometric Phase Analysis of Dispersive  Electromagnetic Scattering
    STUDENTS' CONTRIBUTIONS        V.Grikurov (Russia)                            Hall 204
      11:30 - 11:50                    A.V.Ivanov
                                             WKB-Like Method for the Adiabatic Limit of a Pendulum Type Equation
      11:50 - 12:10                    N.V.Petrova
                                             Islands of Stability for Area-Preserving Maps
      12:10 - 12:30                    P.A.Belov
                                           Analysis of Dispersion Equation for Regular 3D Lattices
                                            of Scatterers in Dipole Approximation.
      12:30 - 12:50                    M.S.Kondratjev
                                           Reflection of Plane Waves from the Two-Dimensional Array of Scatterers
                                            Substrated by a Dielectric Shield
  NONLINEAR PHENOMENA                A.Samsonov (Russia)                        Hall 311
     11:30 - 12:00                     N.N.Rosanov, V.E.Semenov, A.G.Vladimirov, N.V.Vyssotina
                                            Maxwell's (Nonparaxial) Spatial Optical Solitons
     12:00 - 12:30                     A.L.Dyshko , N.B.Konyukhova
                                           Automodelling Soliton-Type Solutions of the Higgs-Field
                                            Nonlinear Wave Equation in the de Sitter Space.
     12:30 - 13:00                     E.V.Kurmyshev
                                            Intrinsic Resonant Instability in the Model
                                             of a Vibrating String  with Coupling Between Modes
      1:00 -   2:30 pm              LUNCH
  Sessions      2:30 -   4:00 pm
      2:30 - 3:00                      L.Ju.Fradkin, D.Gridin,  A. P.Kiselev
                                          Mathematical Modeling of Ultrasonic NDE
      3:00 - 3:30                      D.Gridin,  L.Ju.Fradkin
                                          Complete Far-Field Asymptotic Description of Green's Tensor
                                            for a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Solid
      3:30 -4:00                        S.A.Atroshenko
                                            Micromechanisms of Dynamic Deformation and Fracture in Metals
            V.S.Buldyrev (Russia)
      2:30 - 3:00                      I.Andronov, N.Sharkova
                                           On electromagnetic field of a point source in  an anisotropic layer
      3:30 - 3:30                      T.M.Zaboronkova, A.V.Kudrin, M.Yu.Lyakh
                                            Wave Emission from an Open-Ended Cylindrical Channel
                                           in an Anisotropic Medium
     3:30 - 4:00                       I.G.Kondrat'ev
                                          On The Influence of Dielectric Covering on the Radiation  Characteristics
                                           of Thin Antennas  in Magneto-Active Plasma Medium
    CANONICAL DIFFRACTION PROBLEMS      G.Pelosi (Italy)                            Hall 311
     2:30 - 3:00                     V.E.Grikurov, E.Heikkola, M.A.Lyalinov, P.Neittaanmaki, B.A.Plamenevskii
                                         Surface Waves in Diffraction Gratings
     3:00 - 3:30                     G.L.Nikitin
                                         The Property of the Generalized Scattering Matrix Related
                                         with  the Energy Conservation Law
     3:30 - 4:00                    E.V.Aksenova, V.P.Romanov, A.Yu.Val'kov
                                       Structure of Forbidden Zones in Problems of Wave Propagation
                                        in Media with Large-Scale Periodicity
    4:00 -  4:30 pm                COFFEE BREAK                                                                           Main Hall
  Sessions      4:30 -   6:00 pm
     4:30 - 5:00                   A.A.Lodkin
                                        Diffraction spectra of quasicrystals
    5:00 - 5:30                    O.M.Kiselev
                                        Hard loss of stability in Painlev\'e-2 equation
    5:30 - 6:00                     A.B.Mikhailova, V.L.Oleinik
                                       Tight-binding investigation of the generalized Dirac comb
  NON-STATIONARY PHENOMENA                     V.V.Borisov (Russia)             Hall 204
      4:30 - 5:00                    A.Nerukh, N.Sakhnenko, F.Fedotov
                                        Resolvent of Problem for Axial Symmetric Electromagnetic Field
                                          in Flat Waveguide with Time-Varying Plasma
      5:00 - 5:30                    A.G.Nerukh
                                       Time-Spatial Representation of Fresnel Formulae
      5:30 - 6:00                    V.A.Doroshenko
                                        Non-stationary Diffraction by Perfectly  Conducting
                                        and Impedance Plane Angular Sectors
  WAVES IN ELASTIC MEDIA                              A.P.Kiselev (Russia)                Hall 311
    4:30 - 5:00                     S.T.Neely
                                         Acoustic Emissions from the Cochlea
    5:00 - 5:30                      M.M.Popov, I.N.Shchitov
                                         Kiss Singularity in Transversely Isotropic Media
    5:30 - 6:00                     L.A.Tkacheva
                                       Diffraction of Surface Waves by Floating Elastic Plate

Thursday, June 1
     9:00                            Departure of the bus to Petrodvoretz Campus
     10:15 - 11:00           J.Chandezon                                                                             Conference Hall
                                       Diffraction of Electromagnetics Waves by Surfaces: the C Method
     11:00 - 11:30           COFFEE BREAK
     11:30 - 12:00           V.M.Babich, V.A.Borovikov, L.Ju.Fradkin, D.Gridin, V.Kamotski, V.P.Smyshlyaev
                                    Computational Aspects of the Problem of Diffraction of a Plane Wave
                                        by a Traction-Free Elastic Wedge
     12:00 - 12:30            D.R.Palmer                                                                                Conference Hall
                                    Modeling the Axial Crescendo in Long-Range  Acoustic Propagation in the Ocean
     12:30 - 14:00           LUNCH
     14:00 - 14:30               S.Yu.Slavyanov                                                                         Conference Hall
                                        Equation for the product of solutions  of two different Schr\"oinger equations
     14:30 - 15:00            M.A.Lyalinov,  N.Y.Zhu                                                              Conference Hall
                                     Diffraction of an Oblique Incident Plane E/M Wave by a Wedge
                                        with Anisotropic Face Impedances: Exactly Solvable Cases.
     15:00 - 15:30            Reserved                                                                                    Conference Hall
       3:30 -  6:30 pm         EXCURSION TO PETRODVORETZ GARDENS
       6:30 pm                  PICNIC PARTY

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