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Central and invariant measures and applicationsAugust 17-21, 2020Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Organizers:Euler International Mathematical InstituteSaint Petersburg State University. Program committee:
G. Olshansky, Organizing committee:A. Malyutin,P. Nikitin, F. Petrov (chair), N.Zalesskaya, P. Zatitskii The conference is devoted to the study of invariant measures on the path spaces of graded graphs in a broad sense, this includes: the description of the boundaries for different classes of graphs, in particular for random walks and Markov processes; study of matrix ensembles, traces and characters of locally finite groups, invariant measures for transformation groups; combinatorics of paths; continuous graded graphs and large groups; generalizations of RSK-correspondence; filtration theory, as well as other topics. Tentative list of speakers:Ph. Biane,A. Borodin, A. Bufetov, A.Bufetov, S. Fomin, V. Gorin, K. Johansson, V. Kaimanovich, N.Nessonov, Yu. Neretin, A. Okounkov, L. Pastur, L. Petrov, N.Reshetikhin, N. Vassiliev Intended financial sources: Euler Institute conferences fund |