Leonhard Euler
(1707 - 1783) |
Euler Symposium on Theoretical and Mathematical PhysicsJune 15-20, 2019
First AnnouncementThe Euler Symposium 2019 will commemorate the 70-th birthday of Dmitry Diakonov (1949 – 2012) who was an outstanding theoretical physicist and the organizer of the whole series of previous Euler Symposia. We intend to bring together top researchers from across the world actively working in theoretical condensed-matter and high-energy physics as well as in mathematical physics, in order to share new achievements, methods, and ideas. The guiding principle of the Symposium is the unity of the theoretical physics, with many common methods and ideas shared by its different subfields. The Symposium will focus on quantum field theories and related problems in condensed-matter, high-energy, and mathematical physics. In particular, recent developments and further perspectives in the following (largely interrelated) topics will be discussed: * ADS / CFT correspondence and holography in condensed-matter and
high-energy physics; connections between gravity and quantum
criticality; Following the main idea of the Symposium, we will ask the speakers to present their talks in a pedagogical form accessible to people from other subfields. Most of the talks at the Symposium will be given by invited speakers. We plan, however, to have also a relatively small number of contributed talks. |