Control Theory, Integral Geometry, Inverse Problems.

12-18 June 2017

Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dear Friends,

June is the peak tourist season in SPb and we have to reserve hotels in advance. Therefore, the participants are strongly advised to register as soon as possible.

The organizing fee is 100 EU for foreign participants (i.e., those who are affiliated with foreign institutions). It covers the expenses for visa arrangement, sending the invitation by post mail, one-way transportation from the Airport to the hotel, coffee-breaks, lunches, and the issue abstracts with the Conference Program.

The fee for russian participants is 1000 R.

In due time, we will inform you about all details on the meeting at the Airport and transportation to the hotel.

In the middle of the Conference (on Wednesday) we plan an excursion or a boat trip on the Neva. Also, the banquet is traditionally held on Thursday.

With best regards and respect = the Organizers