Arithmetic and allied subjects on the banks of the Neva
24-28 November, 2014
Euler International Mathematical Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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List of speakers
Boris Adamczewski
Diophantine equations in characteristic p and finite automata
Ekaterina Amerik
P-adic uniformization in algebraic dynamics
Yuri Bilu
CM-points on straight lines and hyperbolas
Valentin Blomer
Arithmetic, combinatorics and analysis of rational points on a cubic fourfold
Regis de la Breteche
Largest prime factor of integer value of polynomial of degree 4
Inna Capdeboscq
On some pro-p groups arising from infinite Lie theory
Antonio Cordoba
Two Mathematical Haikus
Yves de Cornulier
Gradings on Lie algebras and endomorphisms of nilpotent groups
Pietro Corvaja
Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem over linear algebraic groups
Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytonen
On Baker type bounds and generalised transcendence measure (joint work with K. Lepp\"al\"a and Tapani Matala-aho)
Harald Helfgott
Soficity, recurrence and short cycles of exponential maps (joint work with K. Juschenko)
Martin Kassabov
Intersection growth and zeta functions for nilpotent groups
Sergey Konyagin
Large gaps between consecutive primes
Yuri Matiyasevich
Approximation of Riemann's zeta function by some finite Dirichlet series
James Maynard
Large gaps between primes
Narutaka Ozawa
Noncommutative real algebraic geometry of Kazhdan's property (T)
Aleksei Parshin
A holomorphic version of the Tate-Iwasawa method and its applications
Nikolai Proskurin
The zeta function of the sum of three squares
Andrei Raigorodskii
Set covering problems: from combinatorial geometry to the geometry of numbers
Misha Rudnev
Some incidence geometry questions, viewed on the Klein-Pluecker quadric
Per Salberger
Counting rational points on projective varieties
Ilya Shkredov
Sum-products and energies
Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
Spectral zeta-function of the lamplighter groups, de Brujin graphs and the polylogarithm
Alexei Skorobogatov
Applications of additive combinatorics to rational points
Romain Tessera
Local-Global rigidity for vertex-transitive graphs
Alain Valette
Box spaces: bridging geometric and asymptotic group theory
Anatoly Vershik
Probabilistic approach to the additive problems in number theory and combinatorics
Julia Wolf
Ramsey multiplicity of patterns in abelian groups