The International Conference
Banach Spaces Geometry
September 5-11,2010          Saint-Petersburg, Russia

List of Participants


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Monday, 06.09.

09.00-10.30 - Registration
11.00-11.30 - Opening Ceremony

Plenary session (Chairman Novikov I. Ya.)
11.30-12.30 - Semenov E.M. "Finite strictly singular embeddings"
12.30-12.45 - Coffee break
12.45-13.45 - Curbera G. "Rademacher series in function spaces"

14.00-15.00 - Lunch

SECTION A "Banach Space Geometry"

16.00-16.30 - Polyrakis I.A. "Cone characterization of Grothendieck spaces and Banach spaces containing c_0"
16.30-17.00 - Bohonos A. "Modulus of dentability in Orlicz spaces"
17.00-17.30 - Pluciennik R. "Orlicz spaces without extreme points"
17.30-18.00 - Li Y. "Copies of l1 in positive tensor products of Orlicz sequence spaces"

SECTION B "Interpolation of Operators"

16.00-16.30 - Shakirov I. "The new results in the sphere of Lagrangian interpolation function"
16.30-17.00 - Kocherova V. "On extrapolation theorem for linear operators"
17.00-17.30 - Lykov K. "On extrapolation in the Lp-scale"

SECTION C "Related Topics in Functional Analysis"

16.00-16.45 - Leontiev V.L. "New grid bases of orthogonal compactly supported functions"
16.45-17.15 - Severov P.G. "Multiwavelets"
17.25-17.55 - Terekhin V.A. "Frames in Banach spaces"
17.55-18.25 - Rjabykh V.G., Rjabykh G.Y. "Экстремальные функции линейного функционала над пространством H_1^0 как решение линейного интегрального уравнения"

18.30 Welcome party

Tuesday, 07.09.

10.00-11.00 - Peller V.V. "Perturbations of normal operators"
11.10-12.10 - Hernandez F.L. To be announced
12.10-12.30 - Coffee break
12.30-13.30 - Mityagin B.S. "Spectral expansions of Hill operators with trigonometric polynomial potentials"

14.00-15.00 - Lunch

SECTION A "Banach Space Geometry"

15.50-16.20 - Novikov S.Ya. "Minimal Banach Spaces of functions"
16.20-16.50 - Lesnik K. "Multipliers of Calderon-Lozanovskii spaces and applications to factorization"
16.50-17.00 - Coffee break
17.00-17.30 - Kolwicz P. "Some recent results concerning geometry of Calderon-Lozanovskii spaces"
17.30-18.00 - Panfil A.M. "Local Delta_2^E condition in generalized Calderon--Lozanovskii spaces"
18.00-18.30 - Shchiptsov V.I. To be announced

SECTION B "Approximation Theory"

15.50-16.20 - Zhyhallo K.N. "Full asymptotic form for upper boundaries of approximation functions of the class W^r by the Poisson's integrals"
16.20-16.50 - Zhyhallo T.V. "Approximative properties of the Poisson--Chebyshev's biharmonic integrals on the class of functions continuous on a segment"
17.00-17.30 - Stepanyuk T.A., Kharkevich Y.I. "On approximation of the functions from the classes W^1H_w by their integrals of Poisson"
17.30-18.00 - Grabova U.Z., Kalchuk I.V. "On approximation of functions from the classes L^{\psi}_{\beta,1} by the threeharmonic integrals of Poisson"

SECTION C "Related Topics in Functional Analysis"

15.50-16.35 - Severin G.Y. "Об ортогональных финитных функциях"
16.35-17.05 - Zvyagin V.G. "On trajectory and global attractors for equations of motion for viscoelastic medium"
17.15-17.45 - Sanches de los Reyes "Estimates on the derivative of a polynomial with a curved majorant using convex techniques"
17.55-18.25 - Napalkov V.V. "About the generalization of one Fisher theorem"

Wednesday, 08.09.

10.00-11.00 - Raynaud Y, To be announced
11.10-12.10 - Hudzik H. To be announced
12.10-12.30 - Coffee break
12.30 -13.30 - Kislyakov S.V. To be announced

14.00-15.00 - Lunch

SECTION A "Non-commutative Spaces "

16.00-16.30 - Bikchentaev A.M. "On the geometry of non-commutative $L_p$-spaces ($0\leq p \leq 1$)"
16.30-17.00 - Krein M.N. "The nonlinear maps of non-commutative algebras and modules over them"

SECTION B "Approximation Theory"

16.00-16.30 - Myjak J. "Some approximation of dimensions of fractal measures"
16.30-17.00 - Reinov O. "Approximation in Banach spaces"

SECTION C "Related Topics in Functional Analysis"

16.00-16.30 - Berezhnoi E.I. "On subspace of Sobolev Spaces"
16.30-17.00 - Virchenko N.O. "On some integral operators involving p-analytic functions"

23.00 Boat Trip

Thursday, 09.09.


SECTION A"Banach Space Geometry"

15.50-16.20 - Kaczmarek R. "Monotonicity properties of some function spaces"
16.20-16.50 - Usachev A.S. "Fourier-Haar coefficients of function from Marcinkiewicz space"
17.00-17.30 - Novikova A.I. "Banach-Saks index of sequential spaces"
17.30-18.00 - Mullabaeva A.U. "Generalized Fock Space in C^n"
18.00-18.30 - Albiac F. "Uniqueness of unconditional bases in nonlocally convex l_1-products"

SECTION B "Strictly Singular Operators"

15.50-16.20 - Tradacete P. "Strictly singular and power-compact operators on Banach lattices"
16.20-16.50 - Flores J. "On super strictly singular and super strictly cosingular operators"
17.00-17.30 - Troitsky V.G. "A finitely strictly singular operator with no invariant subspaces"

SECTION C "Related Topics in Functional Analysis"

15.50-16.20 - Preobrazhensky I.E. "Оценки оператора Римана в симметричных пространствах"
16.20-16.50 - Dilmukhametova "Operator of the generalized differentiation in C^n."
17.00-17.30 - Gladkih D.S. "Greedy algorithms in symmetric spaces"
17.30-18.00 -Guminskaya A.V. "Вычисление относительного индекса особой точки в вырожденном случае"

Friday, 10.09

10.00-11.00 - Zakharyuta V.P. "Scales of analytic and harmonic functions"
11.10-12.10 - Astashkin S.V. "Finite representability of l_p-spaces in symmetric function spaces"
12.30-13.30 - Cerda J. "Riesz-Herz type estimates"

14.00-15.00 - Lunch

SECTION A "Banach Space Geometry"

16.00-16.30 - Sakbaev V.Zh. "The structure of the quantum states set and averaging of dynamical semigroups"
16.30-17.00 - Lajara S. "Renorming of L_1 spaces"
17.00-17.30 - Shragin I. "On the Amemiya norm in Orlicz spaces"

18.00-18.30 - Closing Ceremony