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- Emil Akhmedov (ITEP, Moscow)
On instability of the de Sitter space
- Gernot Akemann (Brunel U., London)
Effective Random Matrix Theory of Finite Density
- Sergei Alexandrov (Montpellier)
D-instantons and twistors
- Alexander Altland (Cologne)
Quantum generalization of the Eilenberger equation
- Dmitry Aristov (Karlsruhe & PNPI, SPb)
Strong impurity in a quantum wire
- Dmitry Bagrets (FZ Karlsruhe)
Non-equilibrium kinetics of a disordered Luttinger liquid
- Pierre van Baal (Leiden)
Calorons with non-trivial holonomy - an overview
- Andrei Barvinsky (Lebedev, Moscow)
DGP/CFT correspondence in CFT driven cosmology
- Pavel Bolokhov (Pittsburgh U)
Heterotic vortex strings in N=1 SQCD
- Igor Burmistrov (Landau, Moscow)
Interplay of spin and charge channels in the tunneling density of states of zero-dimensional systems
- Falk Bruckmann (Regensburg & Erlangen)
Instanton constituents in sigma models
- Alexander Dmitriev and Valentin Kachorovskii (Ioffe, SPb)
Aharonov-Bohm conductance through a Luttinger-liquid ring
- Dmitri Diakonov (PNPI, SPb)
Statistical physics of dyons and quark confinement
- Mikhail Dyakonov (Montpellier)
One-dimensional model
for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
- Konstantin Efetov (Bochum)
Exact collective modes description of interacting Fermi gas in any dimension
- Ludwig Faddeev (PDMI, SPb)
New action for the Hilbert–Einstein equation
- Mikhail Feigelman (Landau, Moscow)
PseudoGap Superconductivity and Superconductor-Insulator transition
- Paul Fendley (U of Virginia)
Topological order from quantum loops and nets
- Yan Fyodorov (Nottingham)
Random potentials with logarithmic correlations: multifractality of Boltzmann-Gibbs weights and extreme value statistics
- Nikolay Gromov (DESY, Hamburg & PNPI, SPb)
Full spectrum of planar AdS / CFT
- Ilya Gruzberg (U of Chicago)
Wave functions and conductances at the integer quantum Hall transition: conformal invariance and possible theories.
- Dmitri Ivanov (EPFL, Switzerland)
Correlations of the local density of states in quasi-one-
dimensional wires
- Vladimir Kazakov (Ecole Normale)
Integrability for the full exact spectrum of planar AdS/CFT
- Vladimir Korepin (Stony Brook)
Entropy of a subsystem as a measure of entanglement
- Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Trieste & Landau, Moscow)
Horizon in Hawking radiation, random matrix theory and flow of cold atoms
- Dmitry Levkov(INR, Moscow)
Long quantum transitions due to unstable semiclassical dynamics
- Lev Lipatov (PNPI, SPb)
Integrability of high energy scattering amplitudes in N=4
supersymmetric theory
- Andreas Ludwig (Santa Barbara)
Classification of topological insulators and superconductors
- Yuri Makhlin (Landau, Moscow)
Quantum measurement and superconducting qubits
- Andrei Mikhailov (CalTech)
Notes on pure spinor string in anti-de Sitter space
- Alexander Mirlin (Karlsruhe & PNPI, SPb)
Non-equilibrium Luttinger liquids: bosonization and tunneling spectroscopy
- Nikita Nekrasov (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette)
Supersymmetric gauge theories and quantization of integrable systems
- Pavel Ostrovsky (FZ Karlsruhe)
Transport of disordered Dirac fermions
- Alexander Panin (INR, Moscow)
Long quantum transitions due to unstable semiclassical dynamics
- Thomas Quella (Amsterdam)
World-sheet duality for supersphere sigma-models
- Samson Shatashvili (Trinity College, Dublin & IHES, Bures-Sur-Yvette)
Quantum integrability and supersymmetric vacua
- Vitaly Tarasov (Indianapolis & Steklov, SPb)
Bethe ansatz and Schubert calculus
- Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College)
Quantum strings in AdS5 x S5 and string-gauge duality
- Grigory Volovik (Helsinki / Landau, Moscow)
Quantum phase transitions from momentum-
space topology of Green's function
- Peter Woit (Columbia U )
BRST and Dirac Cohomology
- Andrey Yashenkin (PNPI, SPb)
Weak localization and magnetoresistivity of a disordered
Luttinger liquid
- Alexei Yung (PNPI, SPb)
Crossover between Abelian and non-Abelian confinement in N=2
supersymmetric QCD
- Konstantin Zarembo (Ecole Normale)
Integrability in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories
- Martin Zirnbauer (Cologne)
Superbosonization meets free probability
- Mikhail Zvonarev (Geneva)
Mott-insulator to ferromagnetic liquid transition in the one-dimensional spin 1/2 Bose-Hubbard model