17th Summer St. Petersburg Meeting in Mathematical Analysis
June 23-28, 2008          Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Main Page

First Announcement

Second Announcement

Third Announcement

Photo Album

Registration Form



Dear Colleagues and Friends,

17th St. Petersburg Summer Meeting In Mathematical Analysis will be held from June 23 till June 28, 2008 at the Euler International Mathematical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia). This conference will be dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Viktor Havin.

Please, notify us if you want to receive further information, to participate, or to give a talk.

Here is a preliminary list of those who already expressed their wish to take part in the conference:

  • Milne Anderson
  • James Brennan
  • David Drasin
  • Konstantin Dyakonov
  • Serguei Favorov
  • Yuri Lyubarskii
  • Evgenia Malinnikova
  • Vladimir Matsaev
  • Vladimir Maz'ya
  • Alexander Olevskii
  • Joaquim Ortega-Cerda
  • Boris Paneah
  • Boris Pavlov
  • Aleksei Poltoratskii
  • Faizo Shamoyan
  • Stanislav Smirnov
  • Mikhail Sodin
  • Anatoly Vershik
For any question, please, write to

e-mail: analysis@pdmi.ras.ru

URL: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2008/analysis17

The organizers

  N.Nikolski  S.Kisliakov  V.Vasyunin