Emil Akhmedov (ITEP) |
"Towards the theory of non-Abelian tensor fields"
Dmitri Aristov (Karlsruhe/PNPI)
| "Luttinger liquids with curvature: density correlations and Coulomb drag effect".
Igor Burmistrov (Landau) |
"Coloumb blockade in a single electron transistor (circular brane model) and superuniversality of the theta angle"
Vadim Cheianov (Lancaster) |
"Universal behaviour of integrable chains near the optical absorption threshold"
Maxim Chernodub (ITEP) | "Topological magnetic component in gluon plasma"
Dmitri Diakonov (PNPI) | "Confining ensemble of dyons". |
Alexander Dmitriev (Ioffe) | "Classical memory effects in conductivity of 2D systems" |
Konstantin Efetov (Bochum) | TBA |
Guler Ergun (University of Bath) | "Applications of Random Matrix Theory to complex networks" |
Ludwig Faddeev (Steklov, St.
Petersburg) | |
Mikhail Feigel'man
(Landau) | |
Leonid Frankfurt (Tel Aviv) | "Semiclassical approximation in QCD in Minkowski space" |
Yan Fyodorov (Notthingham) | "Glassy thermodynamics of a single particle in a high-dimensional random potential" |
Yuri Galperin (Oslo) |
Nikolay Gromov (Ecole Normale / PNPI) | "Quasiclassical quantization of the string in nontrivial background by integrable classical structures" |
Dmitri Ivanov (EPFL, Switzerland) | "Quantum mechanics with a time-dependent random Hamiltonian from a Gaussian Unitary Ensemble: a sigma-model approach" |
Valentin Kachorovskii (Ioffe) | "Classical memory effects in conductivity of 2D systems" |
Vladimir Kazakov (Ecole Normale) |
Supersymmetric Bethe Ansatz and Baxter Equations from Discrete Hirota
Dynamics |
Elena Klinovaya (MIPT & Institute for Solid State Physics, Moscow) |
Alexander Kovner (University of Connecticut) | "Confinement, deconfinement and topological defects in two spatial dimensions" |
Veniamin Kozub (Ioffe) | "Electron dephasing at low temperatures" (preliminary) |
Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Trieste) | "Eigenfunction correlation in multifractal metal and insulator" |
Petr Kulish (Steklov, St.
Petersburg) | |
Zhanna Kuznetsova (UFJF, Brasil) | " N-extended supersymmetric quantum mechanics: a classification of irreducible representations up to field contents and connectivities of associated diagrams" |
Dmitry Levkov (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow) | "Tunneling via unstable semiclassical solutions: a systematic approach" |
Lev Lipatov (PNPI) | "Anomalous dimensions of twist-2 operators and Pomeron-graviton interplay in N=4 SUSY" |
Yuriy Makhlin (Landau) | "Quantum computing with solid-state qubits" |
Andrey Malyshev (Madrid /
Ioffe) | |
Alexander Mirlin (Karlsruhe /
PNPI) | |
Boris Noyvert (York) | " Superconformal algebras of parafermionic type" |
Pavel Ostrovsky (Karlsruhe) | "Electron transport in disordered graphene: Massless 2D Dirac fermions in random environment" |
Alexander Panin (INR &
MIPT) | |
Pavel Pobylitsa (Bochum / PNPI) | "Inequalities for Wilson loops" |
Kirill Polovnikov (Tomsk) | |
Dmitry Polyakov (Karlsruhe) |
"Strongly-correlated disordered electron systems in one dimension:
Localization, pinning, and dephasing"
Pavel Putrov (St. Petersburg State
University) | |
Valery Rubakov (INR,
Moscow) | |
Kirill Semenov-Tian-Shansky
(Bochum) | |
Sergey Slizovskiy (Uppsala and
PNPI) | |
Fedor Smirnov (CNRS, Paris) | "Hidden fermionic structure in lattice integrable models" |
Elena Sokolova (Novgorod) | |
Daniel Sternheimer (Keio University,
Japan) | |
Grigory Volovik (Landau / Helsinki) | "Euler equations and quantum gravity" |
Nikolai Uraltsev (PNPI) | "Aspects of Heavy Quarks in QCD" |
Alexei Yung (PNPI) | "Non-Abelian strings and monopoles in supersymmetric gauge theories" |
Konstantin Zarembo (Uppsala / ITEP) | "Worldsheet scattering in AdS(5)xS(5)" |
Mikhail Zvonarev (Geneva) | "Mobile quantum impurity in one dimension" |