![]() 1707-1783 |
The International Conference |
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENTThe Organizers are pleased to announce the international conference
Organizers and sponsorsSt.Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS (POMI RAN)Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI) Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) National Science Foundation, USA (NSF) St.Petersburg Mathematical Society
Program Committee
The logic part of the conference is within the framework of "Methods of Logic in Mathematics'2007" project, which is supported by the NSF (USA).
Tentative Talks
The conference fee is 240 USD. For Russian participants who work inside Russia, the fee will be covered by the grant of Russian Basic Research Foundation (if our application is approved). Unfortunately we could not reimburse the expenses of foreign participants by the Russian grants. People who work outside Russia should find their own resources to support their trip. On the other hand, we will provide free lunches and the banquet for the conference participants. Please, let us know whether you will take part in the conference and fill in the registration form at our conference site: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2007/LEMC/. You can find information about visas at our site. We ask you to send the abstracts of your talk by e-mail: lemc@imi.ras.ru. Organizing Committee