Links to
(with Anton Alekseev) One-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, arXiv:1005.2111 [hep-th]
(with Francesco Bonechi and Maxim Zabzine) Finite dimensional AKSZ-BV theories, arXiv:0903.0995 [hep-th]
(with Alberto S. Cattaneo) Remarks on Chern-Simons invariants arXiv:0811.2045 [math.QA]
Discrete BF-Theory PHD thesis, 2008 (Russian) arXiv:0809.1160 [hep-th] (English)
О симплициальной BF-теории, Доклады АН, 3 (2008), 1-5
О симплициальной супер-BF модели, Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 331 (2006), 84-90
Notes on simplicial BF theory arXiv:hep-th/0610326
Discrete path integral approach to the trace formula for regular graphs, arXiv:math-ph/0609028, Communications in Mathematical Physics, V 274, No 1, 2007, pp 233-241 Springerlink
О функциональных детерминантах одногопетлевого приближения метода фонового поля в калибровочных теориях,
(Advisor prof. L.D. Faddeev, in Russian)
Undeveloped turbulence, 2002
Advisor prof. Pismak, in Russian)
A Construction of R-matrix for a special case of Rosohatius model 2001
(Advisor prof. Sklyanin, in Russian)
Papers on celtic music in St. Petersburg for "Pchela" journal (together with Tatjana Mneva).
"Introduction to path integral for mathematicians" (in Russian), PDMI, fall 2010. Recordings
"Conformal Field Theory", University of Zurich, spring 2011. Lecture notes