Moscow - Petersburg |
Seminar on Low-Dimensional Mathematics
Place: Room 311, PDMI
(27 Fontanka, St.-Petersburg).
Time: Fridays, 16:00--17:45.
Organizer: S.Duzhin.
Schedule of talks for 2008
February 22, 2008: S.V.Ivanov. Rafimied foliations and their applications.
Abstract (Russian).
March 14, 2008: S.V.Duzhin. A summary of Arnold's problems--08.
Abstract (Russian).
April 11, 2008: S.Arkhipov (Toronto).
A finite-dimensional contsruction of a canonical gerbe
on a complex Lie group.
Abstract (English).
April 18, 2008: V.M.Zakalyukin (Moscow--Liverpool).
Lagrangian projections with boundary.
Abstract (English).
April 24 (Thursday!), 2008, 17:00--19:00, room 106:
D.Zvonkine (Paris-Moscow). Embedded graphs and spiders.
Abstract (Russian).
July 4, 2008:
Ileana Streinu (Smith College, USA).
Recent results in Combinatorial Rigidity Theory.
July 11, 2008:
Ciprian Borcea (Rider University, USA).
Tangents to spheres and transversals to balls.
August 1, 2008:
Oleg R. Musin (Moscow--USA).
Spherical two-distance sets.
August 22, 2008:
Oleg Karpenkov (Moscow--Leiden).
Lattice trigonometry.
September 12, 2008:
Ilya Vyugin (Moscow).
Inverse monodromy problems and holomorphic bundles with connection.
Abstract (Russian).
November 7, 2008:
Sergei Galtsev (Moscow).
Complex Lagrangian manifolds and Stokes lines.
Abstract (Russian PDF).
November 14, 2008:
Giorgi Khimshiashvili.
Special configurations of plane linkages.
Abstract (Russian).
November 28, 2008:
Pavel Mnev. Invariants of manifolds from the effective action
for the Chern-Simons theory.
Abstract (Russian).
December 5, 2008:
Grigory Mikhalkin.
Realizability of tropical objects.
Abstract (Russian).
Current schedule.