Moscow - Petersburg |
Seminar on Low-Dimensional Mathematics
Place: Room 311, PDMI
(27 Fontanka, St.-Petersburg).
Time: Fridays, 16:00--17:45.
Organizer: S.Duzhin.
Schedule of talks for Autumn Semester 2005
September 2, 2005: D.Panov (Europe).
"Polyhedral Kaeler manifolds".
Abstract (Russian).
September 9, 2005: V.Chernov (Dartmouth, US).
"Relative framings of transverse knots."
Abstract (English).
September 16, 2005: V.Manturov (Moscow).
"Vassiliev's conjecture on planarity of singular
links and finite-type invariants."
Abstract (English).
September 23, 2005: N.Yu.Netsvetaev (SPb).
"The cube conjecture and a non-integrable analogue of the Dvoretsky
Abstract (Russian).
October 7, 2005: V.Fock (ITEP, Moscow).
"Combinatorics of cluster varieties".
Abstract (Russian).
October 14, 2005: R.Uribe-Vargas (Paris-Moscow).
"Topology of Dynamical Systems in Finite Groups and Number Theory".
Abstract (English).
October 28, 2005: V.Poberezhnyi (ITEP, Moscow).
"Fuchsian systems, Riemann-Hilbert problem, isomonodromian deformations
and Painleve equations".
Abstract (Russian).
November 11, 2005: S.Duzhin (SPb).
"Categorification of the chromatic polynomial (review)".
Abstract (Russian).
November 25, 2005: M.Balazard (Bordeaux--Moscou).
"On the distance between adjacent prime numbers".
Abstract (Russian).
December 9, 2005: M.Gavrilovich (SPb--Oxford).
"Homotopical approach to some arithmetical questions."
Abstract (Russian).
December 26, 2005 (Monday!); beginning at 17:00 (!)
M.Skopina (SPb).
"Construction of wavelet systems and the problem of Serre."
Abstract (Russian).
Current schedule.
URL of this page http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/~lowdimma/2005/ldm2005a.html.
It is maintained by
Sergei Duzhin.
E-mail: duzhin(at)pdmi.ras.ru.