Problem 1. (M. Shapiro) A rational periodic map.
Prove that the rational mapping of the plane into itself
defined as
If , then we get a mapping
that has period 5, i.e.
. Explain the reason why.
For example, note that the positive quadrant
is stable under
has exactly one fixed point in
Is it true that there is a diffeomorphism
, where
the open unit disk, such that
, where
is rotation through
Is it true in general that a periodic mapping of a disk with one fixed point is equivalent to a rotation?
Problem 2. (B. Shapiro) Roots of a complex polynomial and its derivative and doubly stochastic matrices.
Let be a complex polynomial of degree
the vector of its roots (in arbitrary order).
We construct a new vector
, ...,
are the roots of the derivative
Since the roots of the derivative lie inside the convex hull
of initial roots
, there is a row-stochastic matrix
with last row
such that
If n>3, then the choice of such matrix is not unique.
The question is whether it is possible to choose it among doubly stochastic
matrices (such that the sums in every column are also 1).
(B) Problem (A) has the following generalization to an arbitrary
dimension (
corresponds to the case of point sets in the
considered above).
Definition 1. Given an unordered -tuple
of vectors (points)
let us denote by
the polytope in
obtained as follows. (Here
is the space of real
-matrices and we assume
For each ordering
of the given vectors we get a matrix
with the rows
Take the convex hull of all these
matrices and call it
Definition 2.
An unordered -tuple
of vectors in
is said to be
wider than another such
is contained in
Definition 3.
Given an -tuple
of unordered vectors in
we call
its derived
the following thing.
Let us place unit electric
charges at each point
, ...,
and consider their common
electrostatic field
Conjecture. Any finite point set is wider than its
For the proof is easy. The case
coincides with
Problem A above since
the zeros of the electrostatic field coincide with the zeros of the
derivative of the polynomial in 1 complex variable whose roots are given
points on
Problem 3. (O.Oestlund) Untangling plane curves without second Reidemeister move.
Let ,
be Reidemeister moves considered in the class
of generic immersed plane curves (plane curves that may have only
transversal double points as singularities):
(cusp move) consists in addition/deletion of a small loop;
(self-tangency move) is passing through a non-generic curve
with a point self-tangency;
(triple point move) is passing through a non-generic curve
that has a triple point.
It is evident that every curve can be untangled (taken into the standard
circle) by a sequence of ,
moves (and smooth
isotopies of the plane that do not influence singular points).
Conjecture. Every plane curve can be untangled using only
Problem 4. (S. Tabachnikov) Closed curve in a foliated domain.
Consider a topologically trivial domain in the plane foliated by
straightline segments.
be a closed immersed curve in
Conjecture: there are two points of
on the same leaf with parallel tangent lines.
This conjecture is proved in some
particular cases: (1) when the lines are all parallel or pass through
one point,
(2) when the winding number of is non-zero.
Is it true in general?
Problem 5. (V. I. Arnold, A. Ortiz) Betti numbers of parabolic sets.
Let be a real polynomial in two variables.
Denote by
the set of parabolic points on the surface
, i.e. the zero set of the Hessian
Determine the maximal number of compact connected components
of the set
for all polynomials
of given degree
This problem can be viewed as a specialization of the classical oval counting problem for polynomials representable in the form of a Hessian.
The first case when the answer is unknown is .
, and the Harnack inequality
ensures that
. There is a well-known
construction of a polynomial (
, where
are equations
of ellipses that intersect in 4 points and
is a small number)
for which this estimate is attained. It is not known if it can be attained
for polynomials of the form
Problem 6. (V. I. Arnold) Caustics of periodic functions.
be a smooth function and
two real parameters.
The plane curve
Example. The caustic of the function
is the astroid
For generic (Morse) functions caustics are fronts (smooth curves
with generic singularities) that satisfy a number of specific conditions:
1. A caustic has at least 4 cusps.
2. The number of cusps is even.
3. If ,
, ...,
are cusps, then the barycentres
of the sets
, ...,
, ...,
coincide. In particular, if
they form a parallelogram.
4. The alternating length of a caustic (we change sign after each cusp) is 0.
5. From every point of the plane one can draw at least two tangents to the caustic.
6. Caustics do not have inflexion points.
Problem. Describe all curves that are caustics of periodic functions, i.e. give a necessary and sufficient condition for a front to be a caustic.
Problem 7. (V. Vassiliev) Loops in the space of knots.
Given the figure-eight knot (or any other non-trivial knot equivalent to its mirror image), let us join it with its mirror image by a path in the space of knots, and then consider the mirror image of this path.
What can be said on the homology (or homotopy) class of the obtained closed loop in the space of knots? Is it trivial?
Problem 8. (A. Skopenkov) Plane projection of a spacial line arrangement.
A number of lines is drawn in the plane so that each line is parallel
either to the -axis or to the
-axis. The intersection points
of these lines are marked so as to show which lines should go above the
other. When such a picture can be realized as a projection of a set of
lines in 3-space? Does the answer depend only on combinatorial
picture or also on geometry (i.e. on distances between intersection
Problem 9. (D. von der Flaass) Real sequence under constraints.
A doubly-infinite sequence
is said to satisfy
the constraints
defined for all positive integers
for all
For the constraints function
, find the minimum span of a
sequence satisfying it. By the span (finite or infinite) we mean the
difference of the supremum and the infimum of the sequence.
The conjectured answer is
, where
, is the
golden ratio.
This span is achieved by the sequence
For a motivation and some details, see
Problem 10. (S. Duzhin) Decomposable skew functions.
A (real) function of (real) variables is said to be
skew-symmetric, if it changes sign whenever any two variables
are interchanged:
A skew-symmetric function
is decomposable,
if there exist functions of one variable
, ...,
such that
Theorem. In the class of analytic functions (or in any ring of
functions without zero divisors) a skew-symmetric function
is decomposable if and only if it satisfies the identity
Now, besides the above notion of complete decomposability, one can
consider partially decomposable skew-symmetric functions.
is a partition of
, then by a
-decomposable skew-symmetric function of
variables we
understand the complete antisymmetrization of the product of
arbitrary functions of
, ...,
The partition
gives completely decomposable functions,
while the partition
yields the class of all skew-symmetric
functions in
Problem. For a given
, find a criterion of
Problem 11. (S. Duzhin) Hilbert's Sixteenth problem with separated variables.
Hilbert's sixteenth problem concerns the number and mutual position
of ovals (circular connected components) of an algebraic curve defined
by the equation
. We ask the same questions in the
case of polynomials with additively separated variables:
and, in particular,
If the polynomial
is a Morse function (
has no multiple
roots), then the curve
consists of one infinite straightline
and a number of ovals. The combinatorics of the
oval arrangement depends only on the up-down permutation that describes
the order of critical values of the polynomial.
Problem 12. (W. Known) Big Moore Graph.
The Big Moore Graph is defined as a regular graph of degree 57 with 3250 vertices and diameter 2. Problem: does it exist? In other words, is it possible to organize air traffic in a country with 3250 cities so that there are 57 air routes flying from each city and any two cities are connected either by a direct flight or by two consecutive flights with one transfer?
These problems were announced on October 5, 2001 at the Moscow-Petersburg
seminar on Low-Dimensional Mathematics.
Names in parenthesis refer to authors or people who communicated to me
these problems.
Some problems come with additions and modifications on my part.
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