References beginning with J
- T. Januszkiewicz and
J. Swiatkowski
Finite type invariants of generic immersions of into
are trivial,
in Differential and Symplectic Topology of Knots and Curves
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- M.-J. Jeong and C.-Y. Park,
Vassiliev invariants and double dating tangles,
to appear in Jour. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.
- M.-J. Jeong and C.-Y. Park,
Polynomial invariants and Vassiliev invariants,
Invariants of knots and 3-manifolds (Kyoto 2001), Geometry and
Topology Monographs 4 89-101, arXiv:math.GT/0211045.
- G. T. Jin,
Finite type invariants of knots,
KAIST preprint (in Korean).
- G. T. Jin and J. H. Lee,
Coefficients of HOMFLY polynomial and Kauffman polynomial
are not finite type invariants,
KAIST preprint, October 2001.
- J. Johannes,
A type 2 polynomial invariant of links derived from the
Casson-Walker invariant,
Indiana University preprint, October 1997.
- P. M. Johnson,
Vassiliev invariants of HOMFLY and Kauffman type,
to appear in Jour. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.