May 29 - June 1, 2000
St.Petersburg, Russia

Proceedings of the International Seminar "Day on Diffraction­Millennium Workshop''
St.Petersburg , Russia, May 29 - June 1, 2000
edited by   V.S.Buldyrev University of St.Petersburg
                  V.M.Babich   St.Petersburg Branch of Mathematical Institute
                  I.V.Andronov University of St.Petersburg
                 V.E.Grikurov  University of St.Petersburg
                 A.P.Kiselev     Institute of Mechanical Engineering, St.Petersburg

The seminar is sponsored by:             

Russian Foundation for Basic Research                                         IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

(C) Day on Diffraction, Faculty of Physics, SPbU, 2000
IEEE  Catalog Number: 00EX450
ISBN  5-7997-0252-4
Print run    200

70 years to V. M. Babich 

On June 13, 2000 the family, friends and colleagues celebrated the 70-th anniversary
 of Professor Vassilii Mikhailovich Babich.

Professor V. M. Babich is one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg Diffraction School. He is worldwide recognized for his outstanding contributions to areas as diverse as the diffraction and propagation of waves, elasticity, geophysics and partial differential  equations. He is an author of about 115 scientific papers and of 5 monographs of which 

Boundary Layer Methods in Diffrac Problems  (with N. Ya. Kirpichnikova),  Springer 1979

Short-Wavelength Diffraction Theory (with V. S. Buldyrev),                               Springer 1991

The Space--Time Ray Method  (with V. S. Buldyrev and I. A. Molotkov) , Cambridge University Press 1999

are avaiablel in English.

V. M. Babich is a member of the Editorial Boards of Wave Motion and of  St. Pe Mathematical Journal and the Editor of the series ``Mathematical Problems of Wave Propagation Theory'' in Zapiski Nauch. Semin. POMI (Proceedings of Seminars at St. Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute) translated to English in Journal of Mathematical Sciences . He is a winner of the Soviet State Prize (1982) and of the
Fock's Prize of Russian Academy of Sciences (1998).

From 1967 he has been the Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Problems in Geophysics at St.Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute and a Professor of the Department of Mathematical Physics at St. Petersburg State University. During all these years Professor Babich has been having an amazing research productivity, which he manages to combine with raising young researchers, teaching and successfully running a weekly St. Petersburg diffraction seminar. He approached his anniversary travelling a lot, being as always productive, energetic, full of ideas and plans.
His current research activity includes waves guided by curved structures, real and complex rays and diffraction by cones and elastic wedges.

Despite his unbelievably intensive schedule, being also a head of a large family, having four grandchildren, he remains at the same time easily accessible and always finds time and enjoys socializing with his numerous friends and colleagues. On behalf of the participants of the DD'2000 and of all his colleagues working in the diffraction theory we wish him good health. We are all looking forward to him continuing to inspire us by his new ideas and remaining the leader of St. Petersburg diffraction.


I.V.Andronov  Diffraction of hydroacoustic wave by a short joint of two semi-infinite elastic plates................................   7
A.V. Badanin, B.S. Pavlov, A.A. Pokrovski  Acousto-optic scattering in a single-mode optic fibre...................................27
A.S. Blagovestchenskii, A.A. Novitskaya\newline           On the solution of the wave equation asymptotically localized at infinity.......................................................................................................................................................................................34
A.V.Ivanov  WKB-like method for the adiabatic limit of a pendulum type equation...........................................................40
N.Ya.Kirpichnikova, V.B.Philippov, A.S.Kirpichnikova     Diffraction of electromagnetic waves from the impedance with different perturbations.............................................................................................................................................................47
A.S. Kirpichnikova, V.B.Philippov     Diffraction by a line of jump of curvature (a special case).......................................60
A.V.Klimenko   The Integral Equation Method for the Neumann-Kelvin Problem for an Interface-Intersecting Body in a Two-Layer Fluid ......................................................................................................................................................................70
P.V. Krauklis, L.A. Krauklis  Unexpected wave in a cylindrical rod placed in the elastic medium........................................
A.P. Krauklis, A.I. Malik, V.N.Troyan  Direct and inverse problems of the ray tomography on the creeping waves......86
A. Melezhik  Polynomial Solutions of the Third-order Fuchsian Linear ODE ....................................................................92
A.B. Mikhaylova, V.L.Oleinik  Tight-binding investigation of the generalized Dirac comb...............................................95
O.V. Motygin, P. McIver  A uniqueness criterion for linear problems of wave-body interaction.....................................108
M.V. Perel, I.V.Fialkovsky, A.P.Kiselev    An asymptotic theory of resonance interaction of shear and bending modes in a non-uniform Timoshenko beam..........................................................................................................................................118
M.A.Poteryakhin   Spectral series of the three-dimensional quantum anharmonic oscillator..........................................127
A.Seeger  Scattering by the Two-Dimensional Potential sin f.........................................................................134
A.V.Shanin  To the problem of diffraction on a slit: Some properties of Schwarzschild's series......................................143
I. I Simonenko          On transient electromagnetic waves produced by the pulsed radial current moving with the velocity of light.....................................................................................................................................................................................156
\S. Slavyanov, C. Ern, H. Dosch      Rigorous mathematical models for the reconstruction of thin films profiles from x-ray intensities................................................................................................................................................................................161
S.Yu. Slavyanov       The equation for a product of solutions of two second-order linear ODEs.......................................168
E.A.Tropp, L.A.Bakaleinikov    Addition theorem for Gegenbauer functions....................................................................172