Arnold's Seminar, Spring 2006
- February 21.
- I.Bogaevski. Particle trajectories in the least action variational problem.
Abstract (Russian).
- February 28.
- S.Anisov.
Convex hulls of Z_p-orbits in R^4.
Abstract (English).
- March 7.
- P.Pushkar. Spring Morse theory.
Abstract (English).
- March 14.
- S.M.Gusein-Zade.
Lambda-structure on the Grothendieck ring of algebraic
varieties and invariants of Hilbert schemes of "fat points".
- March 21.
- V.M.Zakalyukin.
"Classifications of singularities of functions and mappings
with respect to subgroups of standard equivalences".
- March 28.
- S.M.Natanzon.
"Poincare theorem for the modular group of real algebraic curves".
Abstract (Russian).
- April 4.
- M.Kazarian, S.Lando.
"Explicit formulas for Thom polynomials of isolated
(multi)singularities of 1-dimensional mappings".
- April 11.
- S.Natanzon.
"Singularities and Frobenius manifolds".
Abstract (Russian).
- April 18.
- No seminar.
- April 25.
- P.M.Akhmetiev, IZMIRAN.
"On higher analog of current helicity integral in MHD".
Abstract (English).
- May 2 and 9.
- No seminar.
- May 16.
- A.G.Khovansky, Moscow--Toronto.
"Newton polyhedra and elimination theory".
Abstract (Russian).
Seminar home-page.