Computer programs and data files of the participants of Arnold's seminar

Maintained by S.V.Duzhin.
S.M.Gusein-Zade, F.S.Duzhin.
Enumeration of plane curves with up to 10 selfintersections, 05-Apr-98.
GNU Pascal program,
Table of results.

A FORTRAN program counting for Morsifications of real function singularities. 10-Sep-02.
Fortran program (zipped),
Zipped TeX file of the corresponding paper.

Pascal and FORM programs for the detection of the orientation of long links. 21-Jul-05.
Everything in this directory. Read the README file first.

S.V.Duzhin, A.I.Kaishev
FORM, Maple and perl programs for the calculation of weight systems with values in universal enveloping algebras. Written in 2000, updated in 2003, posted here on 03-Aug-05.
Everything in this directory. Read the README file first.

Expansion of the logarithm of KZ Drinfeld associator over Lyndon basis up to degree 12. Computed in 2003, updated in 2009, posted here on 26-Sep-09.
Everything in this directory.

M.Shkolnikov (comments by S.V.Duzhin).
HOMFLY polynomials of rational links and knots:
links and knots with denominators not exceeding 200 (all irreducible rational numbers listed), zip (580Kb),
OCAML source code used to obtain the tables.
Posted on 25-Aug-10, revised on 30-Aug-10.

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