

We would like to offer you a special Ladys’ Program that includes the following tours and events for accompanying persons:

  1. The Hermitage Museum
  2. The Russian Museum
  3. Cathedrals and Churches of St. Petersburg – Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Lavra, Savior on the Blood Cathedral etc.
  4. Ballet and Opera - Mariinsky Theatre (former Kirov’s Theatre), Hermitage Theatre
  5. Symphonic concerts – Shostakovich Philharmonic Hall, Smolny Cathedral, St. Petersburg State Capella etc.
  6. St. Petersburg Surroundings – Tsars’ Village, Pavlovsk etc.
  7. Contemporary art – Contemporary Art Center, Galleries etc.
  8. Night tour in the city White nights & Raising Bridges  - boat trip

The following events will take place in the case of sufficient quantity of interested persons.


The Hermitage Museum 

You will have a chance to get acquainted with the Hermitage collection of Ancient art, Old Masters, Impressionists and visit temporary exhibitions.


The Russian Museum

The Museum offers a vast collection of national art from icon painting to Avant-garde works as well as temporary exhibitions of contemporary artists.



Cathedrals and Churches of St. Petersburg

This tour will let you to trace back the history of Orthodox Christianity on the example of St. Petersburg churches – from the very first city cathedral in the Peter and Paul Fortress to one of the most prominent Russian monasteries.



Ballet and Opera

The conference falls on the time when the White Nights Festival is arranged in the city. The Festival program includes the most famous ballets and operas of the Mariinsky Theatre. The Hermitage Theatre used to be a private Emperors’ Theatre as now it presents various performances for amateurs of classical repertoire.


Symphonic concerts

St. Petersburg is well known for its splendid orchestras and talented conductors. Symphonic concerts are usually arranged in marvelous interiors of cathedrals or in the city philharmonic halls.


St. Petersburg Surroundings

You can’t say you have seen St. Petersburg if you haven’s seen the Emperors’ residences that are located in the near far of the former Russian Empire capital. The most distinguished of them are Peterhof, Tsars’Village and Pavlovsk.


Contemporary art

St. Petersburg has always been a city of artists and musicians. If you are interested in contemporary art you are welcome to galleries and centers that will present you the present stage of artistic process in the city.