"Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI"
VOL. 283
This issue is entitled " Representation Theory, Dynamical Systems,
Combinatorial and Algorithmic Methods. Part 6 "
editor A.M.Vershik
- Sergei Vasil'evich KEROV (12.6.1946--28.7.2000).......7
- List of publications of S. V. Kerov.......14
- Vershik A. M., Yor M., Tsilevich N. V. Remarks on the
Markov--Krein identity and quasi-invariance of the gamma process.......21
- Vinogradov A. I. The Linnik conjecture. II .......37
- Gorbulsky A.
Relation between different definitions of
the entropy of decreasing sequences of partitions; scaling .......50
- Gorbulsky M. The equivariant embeddings of $n$-dimensional space
into the Hilbert space.......63
- Ivanov V. N. Gaussian limit for
projective characters of
large symmetric groups.......73
- Kerov S. V., Tsilevich N. V. The Markov--Krein
correspondence in several dimensions .......98
- Kirillov A. N. Cauchy identities for universal Schubert
- Kokhas' K.
The classification of complex factor-representations of the
3-dimensional Heisenberg group over countable field of finite
- Lascoux A., Thibon J.-Y. Vertex operators and the class
algebras of symmetric groups.......156
- Lodkin A. A. Quasicrystallic tilings and projection method.......178
- Matiyasevich Yu. V.
Some algebraic methods for calculation of the
number of colorings of a graph .......193
- Nikitin P. The Hausdorff dimension of the harmonic measure on de
Rham's curve .......206
- Halverson T., Ram A. q-rook monoid algebras, Hecke algebras, and
Schur--Weyl duality .......224
- Erschler (Dyubina) A. On asymptotics of the drift .......251
- Reviews .......258
Paging 263 pp.
Language Russian
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