This preprint was accepted December 21, 2007
ABSTRACT: We study perturbations $(\tilde\tau_t)_{t\in\R}$ of the group of shifts $(\tau_t)_{t\in\R}$ acting on $L^2(\R)$ by $(\tau_t f)(x)=f(x-t)$, such that $\tilde\tau_t - \tau_t$ belongs to a certain Schatten--von Neumann class $\S_p$ with $p\ge 1$, and the perturbations have the Markovian properties in the following sense: if $f\equiv 0$ on $\R_+$, then, for $t<0$, $\tau_t f=\tilde\tau_t f$. The problem is to describe possible spectral types of the unitary component of $\tilde \tau_t$. Previously, we studied this problem for the isometric semigroup $(\tilde\tau_t|_{L^2(\R_+)})_{t\ge 0}$ using a special model in the Hardy space. It was shown that, for $\S_1$-perturbations of the isometric semigroups, any singular spectral type may be obtained, whereas for $\S_p$ perturbations the perturbed semigroup $(\tilde\tau_t|_{L^2(\R_+)})_{t\ge 0}$ may have arbitary spectral type of the unitary component. For $p>1$ the statement remains true for the unitary dilations $(\tilde\tau_t)_{t\in \R}$; however, in terms of our model the difference $\tilde\tau_t - \tau_t$ cannot be in $\S_1$.[Full text: (.ps.gz)]