This preprint was accepted February 9, 2006
ABSTRACT: The system under consideration is governed by the equation $u_{tt}=\nkd u - \rmr u$ in $\Omega \times (0,T)$; its response operator ("input $\mapsto$ output" map) $R^T$ plays the role of the inverse data. It is shown that $R^{2T}$ determines $\kappa \mid_{\OTp}$ and $\mu \mid_{\OTs}$, where $\OTp$ and $\OTs$ are the subdomains of $\Omega$ filled (at the moment $T$) with $p-$ and $s-$waves propagating from $\partial \Omega$ with velocities $c_p = \sqrt \kappa$ and $c_s = \sqrt \mu$ correspondingly. Due to the wave splitting $u=\n p + \r s$ the problem is reduced to the inverse problems for the acoustical and Maxwell subsystems governed by the equations $p_{tt}=\kappa \Delta p$ and $s_{tt}= - \mrr s$ with the response operators $R^{2T}_p$ and $R^{2T}_s$ determined by $R^{2T}$. The first problem can be solved by the BC method (Belishev, 1986), the second one is solved by a version of the method based on the blow up effect. This version is the main subject of the paper.[Full text: (.ps.gz)]