This preprint was accepted May 12, 2003
ABSTRACT: The paper presents a series of principally different $C^\infty$ -smooth counterexamples to the hypothesis on characterization of the sphere: If for a smooth convex body $K \subset \Bbb R^3$ and a constant $C$ , in each point of $ \partial K$ we have $R_1 \leq C \leq R_2$, then $K$ is a ball. ($R_1$ and $R_2$ are the principal curvature radii of $\partial K$). The hypothesis was proved by A.D.Alexandrov and H.F.M\"unzner for analitic bodies. For the general smooth case it remained an open problem for years. Recently, Y.~Martinez--Maure presented a $C^2$-smooth counterexample to the hypothesis.[Full text: (.ps.gz)]