This preprint was accepted December 25, 2000
M. Gordin
ABSTRACT: As is known, boundary spectral data of the compact Riemannian manifold $\Omega$ (spectrum of Laplacian with zero Dirichlet boundary condition plus traces of normal derivatives of eigenfunctions at $\partial\Omega$) determine its boundary dynamical data (dynamical Dirichlet-to-Neumann map) $R^{2T}$ for all $T>0$. In the paper the procedures recovering spectral data of the submanifold~$\Omega^T\!=\!\{x\in\Om\mid\dist(x,\cd\Om)\!<\!T\}$ via given $R^{2T}$ with any prescribed $T>0$ and continuing $R^{2T}$ from $\partial\Omega\times(0,2T)$ onto $\partial\Omega\times(0,\infty)$ are proposed. The procedures do not invoke solving the inverse problems; main fragment is constructing (via $R^{2T}$) and use of a model of dynamical system associated with $\Om^T$.[ Full text: (.ps.gz)]