This preprint was accepted January 12, 2000
ABSTRACT: We show that for any $k$ and $\epsilon$, satisfiability of propositional formulas in $k$-CNF can be checked by a deterministic algorithm running in time $poly(n) (2k/(k+1) + \epsilon)^n$, where $n$ is the number of variables in the input formula. This is the best known worst-case upper bound for deterministic $k$-SAT algorithms. Our algorithm can be viewed as a derandomized version of Sch\"oning's recent algorithm (FOCS'99) whose bound $poly(n) (2(k-1)/k)^n$ is the best known bound for probabilistic 3-SAT algorithms. The key point of our derandomization is the use of covering codes. Like Sch\"oning's algorithm, our algorithm is quite simple. We show how to obtain slightly improved bounds by using a more thorough (but a more intricate) version of the algorithm. For example, for 3-SAT the modified algorithm gives the bound $poly(n) 1.490^n$.[ Full text: (.ps.gz)]