This preprint was accepted May, 1999
ABSTRACT: The notion of a spectral geometry on a compact metric space $X$ is motivated, on the one hand, by tasks of calculus on general metric spaces and, on the other hand, by the notion of a spectral triple playing the role of a ``Riemannian manifold'' in noncommutative geometry. A spectral geometry $M$ is given by a symmetric subset $B\subset X^2\setminus\De$ which is finite outside of each neighborhood of the diagonal $\De$, and defines, via the Dixmier trace $\dtr$, a Radon measure $d_{\om}M$ on $X$ converting $X$ into a metric measure space. The geometry $M$ is called $\om$-measurable, if the measure $d_{\om}M$ is finite and independent of the choice of the limiting procedure $\om$. We prove the $\om$-measurability of a broad class of self-similar geometries including geometries on each self-similar compact subset in $R^n$ satisfying the standard OSC (Open Set Condition).[Full text: (.ps.gz)]