This preprint was accepted December, 1997.
ABSTRACT: We study the Young graph with edge multiplicities $\varkappa_\alpha(\lambda,\Lambda)$ arising in a Pieri-type formula $p_1(x)\,P_\lambda(x;\alpha)= \sum_{\Lambda:\lambda\nearrow\Lambda} \varkappa_\alpha(\lambda,\Lambda)\,P_\Lambda(x;\alpha)$ for Jack symmetric polynomials $P_\lambda(x;\alpha)$ with parameter $\alpha$. Starting with $\dim_\alpha\varnothing=1$, we define recurrently the numbers $\dim_\alpha\Lambda= \sum\varkappa_\alpha(\lambda,\Lambda)\,\dim_\alpha\lambda$, and we set $\varphi(\lambda)= \prod_{b\in\lambda}\big(a(b)\alpha+l(b)+1\big)^{-1}$ (where $a(b)$ and $l(b)$ are the arm- and leg-length of a box $b$). New proofs are given for two known results. The first is the $\alpha$-hook formula $\dim_\alpha\lambda=n!\,\alpha^n\, \prod_{b\in\lambda}\big((a(b)+1)\alpha+l(b)\big)^{-1}$. Secondly, we prove (for all $u,v\in\Bbb{C}$) the summation formula $\sum_{\Lambda:\lambda\nearrow\Lambda} (c_\alpha(b)+u)(c_\alpha(b)+v) \varkappa_\alpha(\lambda,\Lambda)\,\varphi(\Lambda)= (n\alpha+uv)\;\varphi(\lambda)$, where $c_\alpha(b)$ is the $\alpha$-content of a new box $b=\Lambda\setminus\lambda$. This identity implies the existence of an interesting family of positive definite central functions on the infinite symmetric group. The approach is based on the interpretation of a Young diagram as a pair of interlacing sequences, so that analytic techniques may be used to solve combinatorial problems. We show that when dealing with Jack polynomials $P_\lambda(x;\alpha)$, it makes sense to consider {\it anisotropic Young diagrams} made of rectangular boxes of size $1\times\alpha$. [ Full text: (.ps.gz) ]