British-Russian Workshop in Functional Analysis

     October 13-17, 1996

     Chairman: Prof. N.Young (Lancaster University, UK)
               Prof. V.Vasyunin  (PDMI, St.Petersburg, Russia)
               Prof. S.Kislyakov (PDMI, St.Petersburg, Russia)
The purpose of this Workshop is to promote communication and collaboration between Russian and British mathematicians in two branches of functional analysis of interest to researchers in the two countries. They are All interested are welcome to attend, and the Euler Institute will be glad to assist in making arrangements and finding accommodation, but the Institute does not have funds to support any except invited participants.
 Current List of British Participants:

 1. Brodski J. (University of Exeter)
 2. Chu C.-H. (University of London)
 3. Dales H.G. (Leeds University)
 4. Dodson M.M. (Aff. University of York)
 5. Gillespie T.A. (Edinburgh University)
 6. Johnson B.E. (Newcastle University)
 7. Kyle J. (University of Birmingham)
 8. Plymen R.J. (University of Manchester)
 9. White M.C. (Newcastle University)
10. Wood G.V. (University of Wales Swansea)
11. Young N.J. (Lancaster University)