Prof. Anca Muscholl

was staying in St.Petersburg from 25.05.1997 to 30.05.1997

           Application for participation in the EIMI program

                       TETE-A-TETE IN RUSSIA

     I. Western participant(s)
        1) last name            Muscholl
        2) given name(s)        Anca
        3) citizenship          German
        4) degree, title(s)     Ph.D.
        5) affiliation          Institut fuer Informatik
                                University of Stuttgart
        6) position             Professor
        7) mailing address      Breitwiesenstr. 20-22
                                Stuttgart D-70565 Germany
        8) e-mail address
        9) phone number         
       10) FAX number           49-711-7816310

     II. Russian participant(s)
        1) family name       Matiyasevich
        2) given name        Yuri
        3) patronymic        Vladimirovich
        4) degree, title(s)  Doctor of Sciences
        5) affiliation       Steklov Institute of Mathematics at
        6) position          Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Logic
        7) mailing address   27, Fontanka, POMI RAN
                             St.Petersbourd, 191011, RUSSIA
        8) e-mail address
        9) phone number      7(812)5284768
       10) FAX number        7(812)3105377

    III. Subject and form of proposed joint work (a few phrases)

         We plan to continue investigations of two problem:
         1) the code problem for traces;
         2) solving trace equations.

     IV. Desired duration   from 25/5/97 to 30/5/97